MLP Doodle- Huh?EarthnAshes on DeviantArt

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EarthnAshes's avatar

MLP Doodle- Huh?


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Huh? How long have you been there?”


Just a fast doodle of Pint Pony practice I did on a whim. I didn’t have much of a plan for it but I guess it developed into me playing around with Pinkie’s ability to break the forth wall. I know she does it in the show, but for all of her 4th-Wall breaking, I’m almost surprised the dev team didn’t have her wink at the audience at some point or even directly talk to them, as in addressing them instead of talking at them. I thought it’d be a cute idea, so I decided to throw this in Photoshop and make most of the image transparent, with her placing her hoof on… whatever could constitute as the screen to the 4th wall, I guess? The frame itself was very fast and simplistic soooo.... I hope it does it's job. o3o

I dunno, but I like how she came out. I hope you do too! :3

P.S.: For those of you who are wondering why I edited the image; I was getting a strange line on my side. I dunno if it was just me, or what, but it seems to be gone now. o3o

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1920x1700px 1.67 MB
© 2015 - 2024 EarthnAshes
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ditzyicefoxx's avatar
Amazing work! By the way, I'm quite curious. What's your headcanon on pinkemina? Not the one from the creepy pasta cupcakes, but the pinkemina from "party of one". Your work is absolutely gorgeous, never stop.