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Collab- Bookworms



This is the finished result of a collaboration between myself and the awesome :iconryua:! I did the lines and she did the amazing coloring. :3 Thanks so much for collaborating with me! You all be sure to check her gallery out as well as comment/fave her upload of this image here:
Reading- Collab with Earthsong by Ryua

So in this image we have ourselves anthrofied Twilight and Spike doin' some late night reading in one of their favorite reading spots. I'd imaging that Twilight's magic's light enough to allow them to see what they're reading without too much strain, but even then, I thought it'd be really cute if the two of them got so into their reading that they decided to ignore the darkness of the night just to finish at least one more chapter. Spike's shown to be quite a reader in the show, and I think we all know where he got that from! x3 Buuuuut yeah, just a cute idea that really came into itself that's to the fantastic coloring. ^.^

I hope you guys like it as much as I do! C:
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JDash15's avatar
great job!