S.H.I.E.L.D OS -- Jarvis/Iron Man like theme.eApathy on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/eapathy/art/S-H-I-E-L-D-OS-Jarvis-Iron-Man-like-theme-410314763eApathy

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eApathy's avatar

S.H.I.E.L.D OS -- Jarvis/Iron Man like theme.




Put all the skins in your Rainmeter skins Folder


Then run the installer and select Apply included layouts...

Thats it.

Like most Rainmeter skins you may have to tweak the .ini files a bit to suit your own custom directories,locations,and preferences.

I do not claim to have made any of these,although i did make many changes to them i think that all credit should go to the original uploaders of these skins.

All i did was combine them into a pretty nice looking layout.

If you like this then you should check out my YouTube video on my J.A.R.V.I.S system for my laptop


To clarify a few things for those of you new to Rainmeter/Deviant Art Rainmeter Themes.

You MUST follow the included Mediafire link at the top of my description and download the .Rar file there.
The download link provided here on this page by Deviant Art is ONLY the Layout,which will not work until you have placed the Skins into your Rainmeter Skins Folder.

Also,when placing the skins into your skins folder,do NOT just copy the included Skins folder into your Skins folder, e.g. : C:/Users/[Username]/Documents/Rainmeter/Skins/Skins  <----- This will NOT work.

You must open the included skins folder from the .Rar file,select all of the skins within it,copy them,and paste them directly into your Skins folder.
To edit an .ini file:
Navigate to C:/Users/[Username]/Documents/Rainmeter/Skins
Find the skin that has the component you want to edit.
Find the .ini file for the component you want to edit.
Right click the file,and choose edit.
(It should open up with notepad by default,if not then right click and choose open with Notepad.)
© 2013 - 2025 eApathy
Hi, my screen res is 1600x900 and the layout is too small. Is there a fix for this or do I just have to reduce my screen res ?
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