I have started a new job at a life insurance brokerage company! I enjoy it and still fulfill my passion for writing and editing through my Freelance Editing Business.
You can check out my client's first book: The Morderer's Sacrifice at Amazon as a hard copy or e-book!
I also greatly love music and hope to pay for guitar lessons once I get my life more in order. As well as constantly reading, writing, collecting and enjoying life. I quite enjoy sports, movies, television, but my first and foremost love is nature and architecture!
I am excited to share with you my nature/architecture photography. And to take you on the journey of nerd-self-discovery through my cosplay!
FANFICTION: Jazz E. Roisin
FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/profile.php?i…
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/e.h.indigo/
~ E-H-Indigo
Are you a fellow Harry Potter and Doctor Who Fan?