dzhu's avatar


37 Watchers122 Deviations
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (13)
My Bio

Current Residence: Antarctica, Empire of Evil
Favourite genre of music: Silence, period.
Favourite style of art: Naturalism
Operating System: *nix
Shell of choice: BASH
Wallpaper of choice: No wallpaper, only black background!
Skin of choice: White
Favourite cartoon character: Me
Personal Quote: ^_^

Favourite Visual Artist
Nature, only nature
Favourite Movies
Is there any good movie...
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
All of them plays bad
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Other Interests

Important note

0 min read
Dear visitor! If you want to use some of my works, for non-commercial purposes, feel free to do that, I just want to see my signature and name there. As for commercial application — just contact me (email to 'dzhu at' ). Anyway, I see no problem about some contribution or collaboration.And if you're just want me to draw something, ask me, and if it's something interesting, why not?------------- Уважаемые посетители! Если вы хотите для чего-то использовать мои работы, я не имею ничего против, только прошу оставить подпись и указать авторство. Что же касается коммерческого использования — обращайтесь, договоримся... (dzhu at wod.s...
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I accept requests for drawing. I will even draw something...Есть ли у кого-то какие-либо просьбы в плане рисунков? Я их с удовольствием выслушаю и, вполне возможно, нарисую. ^___^
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If you say "yes" you may visit this interesting photographer: vyarg at .Even if you say "no", maybe you will like some of these photos . =^_^=In other words, meet my photographic incarnation: :iconvyarg:
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