WWACC Tron Pilgrimdyemooch on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dyemooch/art/WWACC-Tron-Pilgrim-185749414dyemooch

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WWACC Tron Pilgrim



This is a Wizard World Austin Comic Con print(I HOPE) that I'll have(I HOPE) when I'm at Wizard World Austin(in Austin, TX) this weekend. :I
Hopefully it will be a 11 x 17 print.
I'll have some other prints- I've been working on everyone else's stuff, and left myself with no time to work on my own prints, so I'm halting the work on other work I'm doing to work on my prints so I can have SOMETHING for the con.

Anywho. It's Ramona and Scott in the style of one of the original Tron posters from the 80s.

Yeah... my art in this wasn't tops- I kinda lazied out on Ramona. Photoshop wasn't letting me save, so her jacket died, and she is in some weird, generic clothes. I DUNNO.

Enjoy or something :I

Scott Pilgrim and characters created by *radiomaru
Print was suggested by a friend of mine's who has a dA account that I forget his dA name :I
Image size
750x1159px 317.13 KB
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CelmationPrince's avatar

I haven't seen the original 'TRON' movie in a while since i last saw it on TV.