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The Ultimate Final Battle

Character  bowserCharacter  Huan



Well well well, look who came back after all those 5 years.

Has my dark tyrannical powers not crushed your puny hopes yet?

I'm quite impressed by your undefeatable soul, to be honest with you. Hehehe...

But soon, all of the planet Earth and the rest of Galaxies will befall under my powerful might and turn everything into my image.

My little friends and you will sleep eternally under the endless dreams of terror and despair-

HAHAHAHA! What a great little speech you got there!

Seriously, Did you really think you can steal away all my fiery powers just to rule all of life and end a million lives?

Listen up! I won't let you destroy this world single-handedly and i will make you crawl just like Mario does!

If you want everyone else vanished? Nope! I will show you what a TRUE original Koopa King does. So YOU vanish!


The Earth is under siege as the two brute forces of fire and immeasurable strength battle out to determine the Earth's Fate, either life or the End of the world.
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4101x1943px 2.09 MB
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