DwarvenHalls's avatar


The Dwarven Community
Years Ago
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Thanks for the add

Thank you so much for requesting my work ! :happybounce: 
With the unwated eclips update it took some time before i learned to enter the group again, if your art was rejected try again.. please.
forgot what i said, i can no longer enter it
Missed so much, but i have a death in the family so feel free to send in your submissions again.
Thanks for inviting the Inca Dwarf artwork of mine. I've got a whole ongoing series of Dwarven cultures from across the world which might help you fill out this section: www.deviantart.com/dwarvenhall…

Germanic, Celtic, Celtiberian, Dacian, Nabatean, Inca, Moche, Ethiopian, Akha, Udmurt, Inuit, Rapa Nui, Korean Gaya Confederacy, Hittite...

The list goes on: www.deviantart.com/karaknorncl…

I advise you to grab 'em all for Dwarven Halls. :)

And please do check out Sergio Artigas' fantastic artworks to fill out that section as well. He's got e.g. Ethiopian and Mesopotamian Dwarves.

To the many submissions these last weeks, I was not well.
As most have expired feel free to submit them again