Long time no post, right?

2 min read

Deviation Actions

dustinperolio's avatar

Hey everyone (or anyone :P) long time no see! Things have been pretty hectic the last few months with my sister's wedding and some other things (mainly me not being good at updating things like my dA, Twitter, and Facebook >.>) but I'm going to be revamping my deviantART in a few days and uploading some new web designs and things I've made in the last few months, as soon as I finish coding my portfolio. :)

Yeah that's right, I've learned a little bit of HTML(5)/CSS(3) in the last few months as well! It will be a while until I'm advanced enough to code all of my own designs though, I think--- my more complex ones anyway. But we'll see.

I can tell you Javascript/jQuery sure is a lot of fun and has a ton of cool stuff to add to make a design come to life even more. I will certainly have fun with it in the future.

Well, just thought I would post a quick update here to let my deviantART know I haven't forgot about it, just severely neglected it. D: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to continue coding my portfolio!

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