ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Updating my dA for the first time in... 3 years?
Well, this is a bit awkward, but hello there... Yes, I haven't posted anything to my dA in around 3 years. Ah well, life happens. Honestly, I haven't been doing a whole lot with Photoshop and design lately. Over the next couple of weeks hopefully I can upload some of the stuff I've done though.I've had a rough time with a long-distance relationship lately, and I've been giving her all my hours. It looks like I'll have more free time on my hands now though. I'm working on getting a "real" job in the real world, and keep freelance web design as a side job.I've just re-designed my portfolio and bought my old domain back (which got taken from ...
Web Designer!
Hey everyone. I figured it's time for an update, since I haven't in a while. :PI've not worked on any sigs lately, I've been mainly doing small banner requests and as of this past weekend I've started getting into creating website designs.I've finished 4 designs as of posting this entry, and I plan to get up to 10 completed within the next 2 weeks. After I get 10 designs or so done, I plan to make a portfolio showcasing my work, so stay tuned. ^^Anyway, you might be thinking "wow these designs are pretty good for having just started web designs" but you have to take into consideration I've been spending roughly 15-25 hours per design. :x I...
Update of Me
CruelWoW Well, I submitted my entry for this week's Signature of the Week @ forums. I didn't spend a whole lot of time on it, and it really didn't turn out great. It's a bit monotone and overall, after looking back on it, the coloring and lighting isn't great. You can view my entry to the right of this. :thumb204736735:I'm impressed with all of the entries for the Sig of the Week and Screenshot of the Week contests. This is the first time we're doing these and yet there are already 10-20 entries for each. Quite the turnout I would say. I just hope participation stays this high in the future contests. :) Signature Lab The sig...
Point for llama and llama for llama ,)
Simple::points: Give me a point, and I'll give you a llama.:iconllamawooshplz: Give me llama and I'll give you a llama. :PI'm very quick about it too. Thanks in advance and good doing trading with you. ^^
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