Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka TributeDustinEvans on DeviantArt

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Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka Tribute



2016 has been a rough year for losing talented people, and Gene Wilder is no exception. For me, his most memorable roll will always be Willy Wonka, because the movie really stuck in my mind and help grow my imagination as a kid. It was an amazing film and Gene played Wonka so masterfully. Truly a memorable roll that will live on. Thank you Gene and RIP.

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Robot58-Mech's avatar

I loved Gene Wilder, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is the best :).

Fun fact: the reason why the 1971 movies is called Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, is due to 'Charlie' being a street name for a black child which was racist back in that time.

12/10 for such a lovely tribute to Gene Wilder.

The Original King of the Chocolate Factory, was Gene Wilder of course, according to a TV Times magazine section about Gene Wilder.

I hope Gene Wilder will be with us forevermore.