DuskLugia on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dusklugia/art/Miraidon-1030162703DuskLugia

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DuskLugia's avatar




I've been drawing a lot for Outlaws lately, stuff that needs to get done like apps. However, in between that, I keep a photoshop file open for random sketches. Not sure why, but I felt like trying to draw Miraidon. I've never tried to before, and it's a pretty complicated design but I was feeling adventurous. Normally, my sketches will stay like that: in the sketchy state with messy lines & maybe grayscale coloring if I feel like it. For some reason, I got into the zone and decided to put effort into accurate coloring...and what was meant to be a simple sketch to pallete cleanse between projects ended up taking up a few hours instead.

I really like how this sketch came out. The colors and posing are pretty nice. I'm proud of it, so I'll share it online. Seriously, when is the last time I posted art not related to a PMD group..? Take it as a little peak into what else I work on outside of stories and apps. I have literal hundreds of sketches that never leave my google drive. I don't typically enjoy posting artwork I see as unfinished...but if people like it, maybe I'll share more. Maybe I'll make a Miraidon character at some point?

Hope you all enjoy!
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2100x1500px 920.04 KB
© 2024 DuskLugia
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BlitzWild's avatar

Love your choice of colors!