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E.S. Wynn
355 Watchers977 Deviations




977 deviations


979 deviations
Voyage Of The Tereshkova

Von Singer's Card RPG

20 deviations
Textures 2

Stock Photography

586 deviations


31 deviations
Writer's Workbook Preview

Free Books in PDF

2 deviations
Venus Fayth


3 deviations

TTC: The Cygnus War, Part 1

The Tessa Chronicles: The Cygnus War #1 (Aces & Veterans)It was sleek, fast, deadly. Typical Coralate semi-atmospheric fighter, but still no match for Tessa’s Seindrive 4 Blasterchild. The underslung Agere PD cannon on the nose of her rig alone could turn the Cygnan into swiss cheese from 50 meters with a good shot, and it was a peashooter compared to the other ordnance she was carrying. They didn’t build strong ships on Cygnus, but they knew how to build an engine like nobody’s business.The skies over Tarsis 12 were a deep afternoon purple, visceral against the rich reds and pinks pooling up from the dark aquamarine line of the horizon,...

The Cygnus War

81 deviations
Steam Glove


2 deviations

All Blue Eyes And Babies

All Blue Eyes And Babies E.S. Wynn (www.eswynn.com) - - When the fantasy I was living Became a nightmare I fell I fell through hell Woke to another dream Tasted the nectar Of a sweeter fantasy A fantasy All blue eyes and babies.Picture me Sitting by the sea Children run in front of me And they all look like her They all look like she To me.Picture me Here in an orchard There tending bees Tilling the earth Leading chickens with feed.Picture me Rubbing elbows with the rich Sharing wine with the elite Getting by in the bay Coming home to a smiling wife Who always has time and kindness For me.Picture me Living such an earthy fantasy With a wo...


18 deviations

Pockets --Short Story--

Pockets , By Earl Wynn Dimensions. That’s what Doctor Takagawa called them. Dimensions. Like something out of a corny old comic book. After six hours of prodding and poking me with a hundred different instruments, from the standard to the exotic, that was the best he could come up with. Dimensions. I’d had access to the things for years, and I figured the best term for what they really were had come from an old friend of mine, a professional thief who lived in the daylight world as a shrink, one of those therapist types. He called them Pockets. Which was perfect, because that’s exactly what they were. Pockets. You put stuff into th...

Short Fiction

5 deviations

Chicken Banana Theory

Chicken Banana TheoryA man walks down the street and encounters another man. This other man believes he is a chicken, and promptly approaches the first man to inform him of this amid a series of chicken-noises. The first man acknowledges this, and hurries past.Later, the first man is walking back along this same path and encounters the same man, though this time, the other man no longer believes that he is a chicken, but rather a banana.This is an illogical transition– one cannot logically explain it by tracking the events that led to this mental transfiguration from chicken to banana. You cannot, for example, say that the man woke up thin...


5 deviations

Writing Resume'

Education Completed CHSPE at 16 AA Liberal Arts AA English (GPA 3.9 in major -- PHR: 5 sem, DL: 1 sem) BA English (GPA 3.9 in major) Spring 2010Golden Key Member (Sacramento State) Sigma Tau Delta Member (International English Honor Society) Science Fiction Books (Through Thunderune Publishing) Raining Chrome (Available upon request) Pink Carbide (ISBN: 9780615140452) Aluminum Opus (ISBN: 9780615179834) Carbon Aria (ISBN: 9780615262789) Short Stories (Through Neometropolis Magazine) (www.neometropolis.com) Vatgrown R-Series Series The Tessa Chronicles: (TTC) The Cygnus War (Deviant Art -- Weekly updates) Currently 32 episodes Live Exhibit...

Writing Resume

1 deviation
4000 Hits Lame-A-Thon


3 deviations
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5 deviations
Writer's Workbook Preview


5 deviations