TTC: The Cygnus War, TarsisDurkee341 on DeviantArt

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TTC: The Cygnus War, Tarsis



Some of you may recognize the picture from my broseph ’s gallery– don’t worry, it’s used with permission. I gave him the idea for it after all. *laugh*

Anywho, this is a place-holder with links to every episode of the Tarsis Arc of The Cygnus War.

Makes things easier, especially once the new episodes start coming in.

Episodes for the Tarsis Arc of The Cygnus War:

#001, Aces & Veterans, Part 1: [link]
#002, Aces & Veterans, Part 2: [link]
#003, The Von: [link]
#004, Minerva Squadron: [link]
#005, Men: [link]
#006, Dark Side of the Moon: [link]
#007, Cygnankrieg: [link]
#008, Crossfire: [link]
#009, Abandoned: [link]
#010, BURN: [link]
#011, Against all odds, Part 1: [link]
#012, Against all odds, Part 2: [link]
#013, Planetfall: [link]
#014, The Last Hurdle: [link]
#015, Regrets: [link]
#016, Skeletons, Part 1: [link]
#017, Skeletons, Part 2: [link]
#018, Faith: [link]
#019, Strength of Bond: [link]
#020, Eisen und Stein: [link]
#021, Murphy’s Law: [link]
#022, Shadow of the Coralate, Part 1: [link]
#023, Shadow of the Coralate, Part 2: [link]
Image size
600x800px 70.64 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Durkee341
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M4dLeprechaun's avatar
Haha, nicely done Mr. !

This indeed is convienient.