My name is Earl S. Wynn. In some places, they call me "The Wind," and in others, the Space Cowboy, but here on Earth, I'm known as the man with the plan, and my plan is to write, and to do it well.
Earl "E.S." Wynn is the author of over fifty books, the chief editor of Thunderune Publishing (and the associated magazines: Weirdyear, Yesteryear Fiction, Farther Stars Than These, Leaves of Ink, Linguistic Erosion, and Smashed Cat Magazine.) He manages dozens of websites, has written hundreds of articles and short stories for a number of publications, has taught classes in literature, marketing, math, spirituality and guided meditation, voiced fifteen albums as a voice actor and even spent time working as a model for stock photography. He has a bachelor's degree in English, has been trained in Reiki and other forms of energy healing and is a proud Freemason.