Guess what... yes, Yutyrannus huali.Durbed on DeviantArt

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Durbed's avatar

Guess what... yes, Yutyrannus huali.



...and here´s my take on what is probably destined to be the dinosaur of the year. I didn´t want to jump on the bandwagon so soon, but I finally couldn´t resist. :(

A giant Tyrannosauroid from the Early Cretaceous of Northern China and a very remarkable discovery for two reasons: the mix of carcharodontosaurid and tyrannosaurid features (that might imply something like a carnosaurian origin for tyrannosaurids, or just a random, convergent and isolated taxa) and, most importantly ...the feathers! yes, a 10 meters long tyrannosauroid with a ratite like extensive coat of feathers. Deal with it. I´ll let you guess the implications of all this...

On a side note, I added some speculative though plausible features like completely feathered forelimbs and an inflatable sac below the orbital horn. The pneumatic nature of the nasal rugosity suggests that it could have supported such an estructure, apparently.
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AimForrest's avatar
Beautiful depiction!