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Giganotosaurus carolinii



The giant southern lizard.

I scaled it following the maximum estimated lenght (13 metres) and the largest skull ever found (195 cm). Considering that non avian theropods have highly variable sizes in their adult stage, there could be some margin of error (and I´m not an expert in measuring neither). Also beefy and healthy looking, like all big theropods are meant to be.

The posing human is the average 6 ft. tall Joe. I tried to avoid the typical waving naked guy that stands in all dinosaur size charts. Because, well, if you´re going to face a gigantic predatory theropod, I strongly advise you to put some clothes on...and run!
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3509x2550px 1.92 MB
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william023's avatar
That head is HUGE! In general and proportionately. That isn't a criticism since they really where like that, and it makes them look awesome! Do you think they really where this lizardy? The wiggly tail and completely scaly skin? Honestly, I like birds and lizards equally, I love any skin covering, but do you ever think they'll find evidence for feathers on this critter? Or was giganotosaurus a classic big, mean thunderlizard?