Dont mess with ornithomimidsDurbed on DeviantArt

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Dont mess with ornithomimids



Deinocheirus mirificus teaching some manners to Tarbosaurus baatar!

This is a request from "love in the Time of Chasmosaurus" blog [link] (btw, hope that mr. Heaston doesn´t mind that I borrow the idea of the feather duster tail), and also an idea inspired in the beautiful art of the paleoartist pilsator [link] All this stem from the impression of ornithomimids don´t getting enought respect, specially the big ones that can kick the hell out of almost anything (in the same range size of even slightly bigger).

(By the way, since it seems that it could have got as big as a Tarbosaurus, maybe this Deinocheirus could also be considered an adult and abhorrently huge Gallimimus!)
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Dinopithecus's avatar
Is there a legitimate, reliable, non-sensationalistic, or perhaps even scientific source of ostriches one-shot killing lions via a kick to the face? I won't take random sensationalistic websites as proof.