I've been a freelance artist most of my adult life, primarily doing illustration, but also graphic design - from book covers to corporate ID, brochures and billboards, t-shirts and web design, comics and animation. I also do leather masks and sculptures, some of which will eventually show up here.
All my work is copyright, please do not use it without permission.
Commercial Work:Clients looking for work for publication should
email me with a brief description of the job, and the proposed deadlines. Ask for a quote, or tell me what your budget is, and I'll try to work within it. I usually license specific publication rights, and don't generally do work-for-hire or all-rights deals, though I'll consider them if the price is right.
Private Commissions:Email me with a detailed description of what you want, and how you propose to use it, and I'll respond with a quote. I usually prefer to retain print publication rights (if you want to publish it on paper, or sell digital copies, you're in the commercial client category), but as a private client, you're free to post your own commissions on the web, as long as you're not making high resolution copies available for download. If your commission is for fan art or game characters, I may ask you to provide me with reference. Don't assume I'm familiar with your favorite game, movie or comic. As you can see from my galleries, I work in a variety of mediums and styles, digital and traditional. If you have a preference for one style over other, traditional or digital, please say so.
I'm aware that private clients usually don't have the resources that publishers and ad agencies do, so I try to keep my fees for private works reasonable, while still providing high quality work. For that reason, private commissions may take a little longer than commercial work It's like the old saying, "You can have it fast, cheap, or good - pick two." As with commercial clients, if you've already got a budget, tell me, and I'll let you know what I can do for you within that price.
Masks & Sculptures:There are prints of images of some of my masks and sculptures available here; if you want to purchase actual real world masks or sculptures, please visit the
Shapeshifter website. Some of the masks you see here may be for sale there, and custom mask and sculpture work is always available.