How to: Use Alcohol DyeDugFinn on DeviantArt

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How to: Use Alcohol Dye



I've gotten lots of questions about how I dye my wigs, flowers, plastics, leathers, etc. So, I created this quick little tutorial to show how easy it is to use Alcohol dyes. I still use RIT for fabrics, but I pretty much use Alcohol dyes for everything else in life now.

Especially wigs. Dear cosplay gods, this makes dying wigs SUPER easy! Just put the wig and dye in a zip lock bag, shake-shake, and presto! That, or put the dye in a spritz bottle and spray away! Great for creating pastel colors, vertical gradients, or using multiple colors that need to blend into each other in strange patterns.

I buy my ink at Jerry's Artarama, but I also order the 4oz versions (super amazing for wigs) off their web site, since they don't carry the "larger" sizes in store.…

Please Like my FB Page! :iconilikeitplz:…
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LYS-Cosplay's avatar
Really nice tutorial! c:

I have a question for you: I would like to dye in black a brown pleather to make boot covers. Would this method work? :)  And if yes, does it stays well if I wear them for a long time?