Current Residence: Ukraine, Chernivtsi Favourite style of art: improvisation. it's important! Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate MP3 player of choice: Aimp 3 Favourite cartoon character: Megamind and Jake from Adventure Time
Favourite Movies
Breaking Bad, Lie to Me, Dexter, House M.D, Doctor WHO........... if you know what i mean.
I can't find many images on my PC and its sorrowfully ;(
But im happy, on friday im going to Kiev. I dont so like that city, but i need to go \=
How you my new photos?
So, im go to sleep. Cya!
YEAH, i'm happy! I again make works for DA, and i think its impossible! :D
Maybe im crazy!? I made new friends, I went through a lot of games and a lot has happened in my life.
If you can do for me new avatar, do it! I would be inordinately grateful!
To be continued...