The SDK requires iOS7 or OS X 10.9 and provides several classes for you to use and interact with:
- DVNTAPIClient - The core of the SDK. This class provides the OAuth2 management along with core network calls.
- DVNTAPIRequest - Provides simple wrapper methods around all API deviantART endpoints. If you find any that are missing, feel free to open a pull request to add them.
For the fastest integration, we recommend you use CocoaPods to install the SDK within your project, then simply import DVNTAPI.h with your codebase. DVNTAPI.h imports all the required headers for the SDK to function.
The Foundation
We have built the SDK upon the great foundation that is AFNetworking 2.0, a widely used networking library in the iOS community, this means that the SDK will work on the latest versions of Apple's operating systems, iOS7 and OS X 10.9. We believe this is the best choice as it will allow us not to be held back by the code of the past and allow us to move forward as needed.
To install the SDK within your project, use the below Podfile then run pod install:
platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "deviantART-SDK", "~> 1.0.0"
Atop AFNetworking, we built a layer of OAuth 2.0 abstractions to allow authentication and interaction with the deviantART API. With two method calls to DVNTAPIClient, you can be fully authenticated and ready to make calls to the API.
Simply set your client's ID and secret in the SDK in applicationDidFinishLoading:
[DVNTAPIClient setClientID:@"__CHANGE_ME__" clientSecret:@"__CHANGE_ME__"];
Then authenticate using your client details by calling:
[DVNTAPIClient authenticateFromController:self scope:@"basic" completionHandler:^(NSError *error) {
if(!error && [DVNTAPIClient isAuthenticated]) {
// App is fully authenticated with no errors
// and ready to perform API calls
} else {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
After authentication is completed, you can make calls to any API endpoint you need and the SDK will handle authentication for you.
Using DVNTAPIClient as a base, DVNTAPIRequest builds upon its basic GET/POST methods to provide simple methods to call upon any endpoint on the deviantART SDK. Here's an example of retrieving a delta from the Sta.sh API.
[DVNTAPIRequest deltaWithCursor:@"12345" offset:120 success:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, id JSON) {
NSLog(@"JSON Response: %@", JSON);
} failure:^(NSURLSessionDataTask *task, NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
DVNTAPIRequest covers all current API endpoints but if the need arises, you can use the GET/POST methods on DVNTAPIClient directly and authentication will still be handled completely by the SDK.
For further documentation on getting started using the SDK, check the README file on GitHub. More in-depth Apple style documentation can be found here.
Open Source
The deviantART SDK is open source on GitHub and released under the BSD license. We will be accepting pull requests for changes from you, the community. Guidelines for issues, coding style and pull requests can be found in the project's README file.
We have also submitted the SDK to be available via CocoaPods, the biggest dependency manager for Objective-C projects. This will allow even simpler integration of the SDK into your current or new project.