Western StyleDrZime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/drzime/art/Western-Style-192349388DrZime

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Western Style



There are so many crappy Japanese cartoons on TV these days accompanied by so many bad fans that sometimes I almost forget there are good ones out there. :)

Trigun is one of the good ones. Vash the Stampede is a cool character - he's got heart. He doesn't want to kill anyone despite the environment and trouble he's always in.

Drawing Vash in a western style is probably heresy against the church of Otaku, but I don't draw any other way... so there you have it! :D

:icontumblrplz: This image on Tumblr. Please reblog from my page. Don't repost.
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unknownwittness's avatar
I don't think it's heresy, but I know where your coming from. Regardless it's a fun and good picture of Mr. Humanoid Typhoon. Love the colors. He kind of looks like my 10th grade Biology teacher, he was cool as hell too. Great Job and keep up the fantastic work.