I am a graduate student at the University of Arizona in the Second Language Acquisition and Teaching doctoral program. I did my MA there in English as a Second Language (TESOL) program, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Creative Writing (Poetry focus) and French. My research interest is in arts integration in second language classrooms and EFL teaching. I have taught English abroad in France, Guadeloupe, Switzerland, New Zealand, South Korea, and Hungary, traveled to over 40 countries in the world, and seen 49 of the 50 states (mostly through roadtrips). Often, I can be found correcting the grammar of prospective dates and wishing that one of them would know what I meant when I call them pulchritudinous. My favorite word is decathecting--it is an action I carry out in some form every day. I am in a constant state of zugzwang. I have a very manly laugh and will never be seen without some form of facial hair (beards grow on you).