druideye's avatar


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428 Watchers

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (174)
Charitable: Charitable deviant
I Heart DeviantArt Gear: Proud supporter of deviantGEAR
My Bio
Welcome to Druideye Photography, the home of Pamela's photography and artisan crafts. Please browse and comment if you wish. I love feedback, even a well meaning critique. I strive to improve, if you can help I will appreciate it.

Little Green Lizard - Stamp by druideye Scattered Autumn - Stamp by druideye

I am a 40+ year old married mother of two energetic teenage sons. I live in South Carolina, and I love it here. My trip overseas to Cyprus, Egypt and Israel in 1994 sparked my interest in photography and it has gone from there. I started out very dedicated to film and some of my gallery is film, but I work primarily in digital these days, with my Rebel XSi. I feel my work has improved with digital mainly because scanned in film just doesn't have the look I like most. I've gotten an interest in lomography and vintage film look though and that's given me new hope for my old film.

Photography is a huge love of mine. I don't like certain cliches, and that's ok. I put up what I like and what I'm proud of, I don't put up work to please others BUT if my art makes someone smile or think, I am happy.

I will never tell you it's a good capture, just not my personal style. I +fav and run on many occasions, I just don't always have something to say everyone else hasn't already said. I dislike arrogance in artists - no matter their age but especially in young people. I don't think that any art is "bad", it may just not be what you prefer. I've found that everyone likes different things. I am kind-hearted and open-minded. If you need help with anything, even something personal, feel free to come to me and I will do what I can to encourage you.

I have started to enjoy working with polymer clay and making jewelry, so you'll see items scattered on my page from both my photography and my artisan crafts.

I have overcome a lot in my life, and am proud of where I stand in this world. I am disabled, but I try not to let that rule my life. I know the pain of losing someone you love, and I know the feeling of emptiness in the soul. I live with the constant pain of fibromyalgia as well as CFS/CFIDS/ME, but it does not make me who I am. I have gone through DBT counseling and it changed my life. I have finally found the right meds to support good mental health. I support NAMI, TWLOHA, cancer research, CFIDS/ME research and many other organizations. I have recently taking over the administration of ArtForTheEscape which is for those of us who use art to escape from mental illness or pain.

I am here to not only share my art with the world, but to share other's work as well. I love featuring work from others in my journals and in news features, and hope to start doing that again after a long absence from dA. I also love donating to contests, so hit me up if you're hosting one and I might just offer something.

Favourite Visual Artist
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Deadline is extended for my "Classic Movie Moments" contest! See my current journal for info!

16 votes

Contests mean Prizes!

Contests mean Promotion!

Contests mean Fun!

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The Color White - Contest Winners from :devcamerawhore: :trophy: FIRST PLACE:thumb145498799: by :devp11k::trophy: SECOND PLACE:thumb143139443: by :devxbassxharmingx::trophy: THIRD PLACE:thumb109048118: by :devmiss-photo:HONORABLE MENTIONS:thumb46079886: by :devaraxne::thumb150301839: by :devabey79:
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Profile Comments 2.1K

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Happy Birthday, my dear!
snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet

Happy birthday!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Snowy Mountains Cake with candles 50x50 icon

snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet snowflake bullet
:woohoo: :party: :iconcakelickplz: !!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! :iconcakelickplz: :party: :woohoo:

It's December 4th which means it's that time of the year again and your special day is here! We hope you have an awesome day with lots of birthday fun, gifts, happiness and most definitely, lots of cake! Here's to another year!

Many well wishes and love from your friendly birthdays team :love:

Birthdays Team
This birthday greeting was brought to you by: UndertakerMichaelis
   Green PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue Pumpkin
 Scalpel (Left)Tini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeTini Vintage Syringe
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces SCP 035 Icon [F2U]bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley facesTini Cleaver (Right)  Tini Preserved Heart Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Broken Heart  Moving Eye Ball Cup Cake 50x50 icon  Tini Preserved Heart Tini Cleaver (Left)bunch of smiley facesbunch of smiley faces
       bunch of smiley facesPill Avatar  Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon      Shuddering Letter: H Shuddering Letter: A Shuddering Letter: P Shuddering Letter: P Shuddering Letter: Y      Moving Eyeballs Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Popsicle bunch of smiley faces
   Gothic LampMoving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 icon  Blue Eye  Shuddering Letter: B Shuddering Letter: I Shuddering Letter: R Shuddering Letter: T Shuddering Letter: H Shuddering Letter: D Shuddering Letter: A Shuddering Letter: Y  Pastel Purple Eye Moving Eyeballs Tower Cake 50x50 iconGothic Lamp 
Tini Vintage Syringe leftTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeEyesTini EyeScalpel (Right)
   Purple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen PumpkinBlue PumpkinBlack PumpkinPink PumpkinPurple PumpkinGreen Pumpkin
HAPPY B-DAY!!!! :party: