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Security Screensaver 2.0



UPDATE: 23 July 2010

1) I rewrote it so the update and scan completes before the actual screensaver is triggered (the castle logo). Also now the cmd prompt is visible again showing the progress of the update and scan before the actual screensaver starts.

2) Now the download includes two screensavers, the original Security Screensaver and Security Screensaver NG (No Graphics) which will perform an update and scan silently with no cmd prompt visible and when complete will not start any graphic screensaver.

UPDATE: 21 July 2010

1) Now works with Microsoft Security Essentials 1 and 2 (beta)
2) When screensaver is triggered the cmd prompt is no longer visible if you stop the screensaver during scan.

Security Essentials Screensaver

I was reading how Avast has a screensaver than performs scans. I thought this was clever so I made one for Microsoft Security Essentials. This screensaver will perform an update and scan when activated.

No installation needed, just move the file where you wish to store it, right click and hit install. One bug is that when you do this it will start the screensaver, just move the mouse and ignore that and set as default screensaver.

Requires that you have Microsoft Security Essentials installed of course.

Should work in XP and up, tested on Win 7 x64

Consider this a "beta"

Good luck and Feedback welcomed! :D

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