Mamenchisaurus youngi skeletalDrScottHartman on DeviantArt

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DrScottHartman's avatar

Mamenchisaurus youngi skeletal



A true giraffe-morph sauropod from the Late Jurassic of China. I will be most interested to see what the vertebral column of its sister species, M. hochuanesis, looks like now...

Edit: A massive overhaul of this skeletal (although the bones themselves were fine, it was the last to see the changes from my work on sauropod anatomy). It's still a fugly-looking sauropod, but now at least it looks less...defective.
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17064x9768px 13.07 MB
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DefunctBattery's avatar

Absolutely gorgeous work, would love to see the image in its full glory tbh, the detail and fluency look amazing. Very handsome