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Oh, don't mind the BLEACH logo. Rukia "improved" it XD
Light Yagami
I always wonder what Pokémon certain characters would have.
I LOVE all your opinions! It really helps!
What do you think for Chad and Uryu? Or any of the others? I just put down some that I had already had some ideas for, but please suggest for anyone! I'm constantly updating this description with new ideas. I love the feedback!!
Thanks to
for helping give suggetions for Rukia's!

The more suggestions and opinions, the more you can help me make! ^^
Chad: I feel for sure Machoke cuz he's hella strong, Hitmonchan cuz he's strong and punches and that's Chad's power.
What I also had in mind was Machop, Machamp, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Rhydon, Kangaskan, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Scizor, Heracross, Ursaring, Piloswine. Phanpy, Donphan, Entei, Tyranitar, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Shelgon, Regirock, Registeel, Sheldon, Blastiodon, Abomasnow, Rhyperior, Mamoswine, Gallade, Heatran, and Regigigas.
I feel that he should have at least one cutesy Pokemon because in Bleach Episode 4 "Cursed Parakeet" one of his friends said that he had a weak spot for cute things. He took care of a bird with the soul of a boy inside it and risked his own soul to protect it from a Hollow. So I think maybe a Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Teddiursa, Swablu, or Togakiss.
Uryu: I know he would have Metagross because according to the Pokédex it has "the intelligence of a supercomputer" and Uryu is the smartest kid in Ichigo's class.
Lucario also because of its ability to sense Aura is like Uryu's keen ability to sense Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure). They are both prideful, extremely loyal, and have a natural sense of justice. Lucario is also very chivalrous as seen in "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew". Lucario's Aura Sphere and Bone Rush also look a lot like Uryu's arrows cuz they're both blue and glowy XD
He would also have a Gallade cuz he is very chivalrous.
I think Uryu might have a Magnimite, Magniton, Farfetch'd, Porygon, Noctowl, Suicune, Lugia, Treeco, Grovyle, Skeptile, Crawdaunt, Baltoy, Latios, Prinplup, Empoleon, Luxio, Luxray, Weavile, Magnizone, Uxie, Snivy, Serperior, Escavalier, Sewaddle, Swadloon, or Leavanny.

Suì-Fēng (Soifon): I think she defiantly has a Beedrill because of her Zanpakto Suzumebachi.
I think she might have Butterfree, Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidoqueen. Venomoth, Persian, Sneasel, Beautifly, Zangoose, Seviper, Glaile, Vespiquen, Crogunk, Toxicroak, Finneon, Lumineon, Weavile, Dewott, Unfezant, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Mienfoo or Mienshao.
Byakuya Kuchiki: For sure Byakuya would have the spring form of Sawsbuck: it has cherry blossoms on its antlers and they both have a regal feel.
I think he might have Persian, Meganium, Bellossom, Slowking, Skarmory, Suicune, Absol, Roselia, Torterra, Shaymin, Lugia, Staravia, Staraptor, Luxray, Rosarade, Cherubi, Cherrim, Finneon, Lumineon, Gallade, Serperior, Samurott, Tranquill, Unfezant, Sawsbuck, Bisharp.
I feel that Samurott and Bisharp sort of represent the spirit for of Senbonsakura, but idk
Tōshirō Hitsugaya: I feel for sure that he would have Articuno and Kyurem because his Zanpakto Hyōrinmaru is an ice dragon.
I think he might have Metagross because he's considered a boy genius. Metagross has "the intelligence of a supercomputer" and Hyōrinmaru's spirit form has an X on his face.
I think he also might have also have Squirtle, Golduck, Seadra, Gyarados, Dratini, Dragonair, Articuno, Kingdra, Tyroge, Suicune, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, a shiny Zangoose, Galie, Regice, Shelgon, Salamence, Snover, Abomasnow, Dewott, Samurott, Cubchoo, Beartic, Kyurem.
Rangiku Matsumoto: I know for sure she would have a Jynx. She would also have a Flareon because it reprisents her Zanpakto Haineko.
I think she might also have a Nidoqueen, Vulpx, Ninetails, Ponyta, Rapidash, Quilava, Typhlosion, a female Wobbuffet (they have lipstick XD), Delcatty, Rosarade, Lopunny, Glameow, Purrloin, Liepard, Swanna, or Mienshao.
Sōsuke Aizen: I know for sure that he would have a Zoroark because his Zanpakto can create illusions. He would also have a Mewtwo because they are both really strong and evil.
I'm not sure what else he would have. What do you think?
Gin Ichimaru: I don't know what he would have; something that never opens it's eyes like a Skitty or Cyndaquil. Suggestions??
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez: I feel for sure he would have at least one cat Pokemon, though I'm not sure which. I'm pretty sure it would be a Glameow, but I'm not sure.
I think that he might also have a Persian, Growlithe, Purugly, Purloin, Liepard, Simisage (I think he kinda looks like one), Zoroark, Mienshao, or Colbalion.

Ulquiorra Cifer: I think for sure he would have a Mightyena. because it looks like Ulquiorra's Resurrección: Segunda Etapa. The same with Houndoom. He would also have a Gothitelle.
I think he might also have Zubat, Golbat, Gloom, Gastly. Haunter, Gengar, Aerodactyl, Noctowl, Crobat, Murkrow, Larvitar, Shuppet, Banette, Absol, Glalie, Luxio, Luxray, Spiritomb, Gabite, Garchomp, Glyscor, Zoroark,
CHILD Nel Tu: I think for sure she would have a Chikorita because she is very clingy and jealous of Ichigo like Chikorita was to Ash. She would also have a Duskull because its mask looks just like Nel's and it's eye looks like a Cero.
I think that she might also have Caterpie, Oddish, Gloom, Gastly, Bellossom, Politoed, Skiploon, Dunsparde, Teddiursa, Swinub, Larvitar, Celebi, Lotad, Lombre, Lodicolo, Ralts, Shroomish, Gulpin, Cacnea, Suppet, Turtwig, Budew, Bonsly, Shaymin, Deerling, Axew, Cubchoo,
ADULT Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck: For sure she would have a Virizion because it looks like Nel in her released form.
I think that she might have a Gloom, Rapidash, Bayleef, Meganium, Bellossom, Girafarig, Celebi, Grovyle, Sceptile, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Shroomish, Breloom, Electrike, Gulpin, Cacnea, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull, Grotle, Torterra, Rosarade, Drifblim, Leafeon, Gallade, Shaymin, Serperior, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Escavalier, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Cobalion, or Keldeo.
What do you think? And what about all the other Bleach Characters? I'm going to make more of these. I could really use the help! ANY ideas for ANY of the characters would be amazing!
I think Rukia would have a Buneary, Absol, Umbreon, Glaceon, Lugia, and a Froslass.
I was originally doing one of these for Rukia but I couldn't decide what Pokémon she would have. I started hers in at least Februrary, and between then and now I made on for Ichigo, Light, and L.
Buneary: She would definately have a Buneary. Buneary's Pokédex species entry is the "Rabbit Pokémon" Its just like
I colored it to make it look more like Chappy ^^
Here's what Buneary looks like originally…
Absol: They are both stong and graceful.
I gave Absol Rukia's eyes.
Umbreon: Umbreon's Pokédex species entry is the "Moonlight Pokémon". Rukia first appeared in the anime under moonlight. One of her Shikai Special Abilities is Some no mai, Tsukishiro (初の舞・月白, First Dance, White Moon)
I colored Umbreon's rings like Rukia's Shikai form of her Zanpakutō.
I gave Umbreon Rukia's eyes.
Glaceon: Glaceon represents Rukia's ice abilities. Glaceon's Pokédex species entry is the "Fresh Snow Pokémon" and its ability is "Snow Cloak". Rukia's Zanpakutō is Sode no Shirayuki (袖白雪, Sleeved White Snow)
I colored Glaceon like the color of Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.
Lugia: Despite what many think, Rukia is quite powerful. Her team should reflect that power. Chappy once told Ichigo that Rukia "is actually strong enough to be a ranked officer." Here's the clip… Its pretty funny XD It is in the dub as well
Rukia and Lugia are both strong, gentle, and graceful.
And they're names sound alike XD
Froslass: This represents Rukia's Zanpakutō
. Sode no Shirayuki's Spirit Form look very much alike. I colored Froslass to look even more so. Here's what Froslass originally looked like…
It was so hard to color T^T
The backpack Rukia used in the World of the Living, Chappy, a Soul Phone, a Kikanshinki (記換神機, "Account-Replacing Spirit Device"), Kon, a Soul Reaper/Shinigami Glove, a Hell Butterfly, her drawings, the juice box, Sode no Shirayuki, and a Poké Ball.
Hey I'm writing a fanfic! Please read it! 
Here's Part 1 to get you started…
Please tell me your honest opinion! It means a lot to me. Thank you! :3
What do you think? Do you think that the Pokémon I chose should be different? would you color them differently? Please let me know, I'm super interested.
As for the images, none of them were drawn by me. I just colored some of them.
Credits to Tite Kubo
and Ken Sugimori.
Gotta love those guys.
Gotta catch 'em all.


Oh, don't mind the BLEACH logo. Rukia "improved" it XD


I always wonder what Pokémon certain characters would have.
I LOVE all your opinions! It really helps!
What do you think for Chad and Uryu? Or any of the others? I just put down some that I had already had some ideas for, but please suggest for anyone! I'm constantly updating this description with new ideas. I love the feedback!!
Thanks to

The more suggestions and opinions, the more you can help me make! ^^

What I also had in mind was Machop, Machamp, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Rhydon, Kangaskan, Tauros, Dragonite, Steelix, Scizor, Heracross, Ursaring, Piloswine. Phanpy, Donphan, Entei, Tyranitar, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Shelgon, Regirock, Registeel, Sheldon, Blastiodon, Abomasnow, Rhyperior, Mamoswine, Gallade, Heatran, and Regigigas.
I feel that he should have at least one cutesy Pokemon because in Bleach Episode 4 "Cursed Parakeet" one of his friends said that he had a weak spot for cute things. He took care of a bird with the soul of a boy inside it and risked his own soul to protect it from a Hollow. So I think maybe a Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Togetic, Teddiursa, Swablu, or Togakiss.

Lucario also because of its ability to sense Aura is like Uryu's keen ability to sense Reiatsu (Spiritual Pressure). They are both prideful, extremely loyal, and have a natural sense of justice. Lucario is also very chivalrous as seen in "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew". Lucario's Aura Sphere and Bone Rush also look a lot like Uryu's arrows cuz they're both blue and glowy XD
He would also have a Gallade cuz he is very chivalrous.
I think Uryu might have a Magnimite, Magniton, Farfetch'd, Porygon, Noctowl, Suicune, Lugia, Treeco, Grovyle, Skeptile, Crawdaunt, Baltoy, Latios, Prinplup, Empoleon, Luxio, Luxray, Weavile, Magnizone, Uxie, Snivy, Serperior, Escavalier, Sewaddle, Swadloon, or Leavanny.

Suì-Fēng (Soifon): I think she defiantly has a Beedrill because of her Zanpakto Suzumebachi.
I think she might have Butterfree, Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidoqueen. Venomoth, Persian, Sneasel, Beautifly, Zangoose, Seviper, Glaile, Vespiquen, Crogunk, Toxicroak, Finneon, Lumineon, Weavile, Dewott, Unfezant, Gothorita, Gothitelle, Mienfoo or Mienshao.

I think he might have Persian, Meganium, Bellossom, Slowking, Skarmory, Suicune, Absol, Roselia, Torterra, Shaymin, Lugia, Staravia, Staraptor, Luxray, Rosarade, Cherubi, Cherrim, Finneon, Lumineon, Gallade, Serperior, Samurott, Tranquill, Unfezant, Sawsbuck, Bisharp.
I feel that Samurott and Bisharp sort of represent the spirit for of Senbonsakura, but idk

I think he might have Metagross because he's considered a boy genius. Metagross has "the intelligence of a supercomputer" and Hyōrinmaru's spirit form has an X on his face.
I think he also might have also have Squirtle, Golduck, Seadra, Gyarados, Dratini, Dragonair, Articuno, Kingdra, Tyroge, Suicune, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, a shiny Zangoose, Galie, Regice, Shelgon, Salamence, Snover, Abomasnow, Dewott, Samurott, Cubchoo, Beartic, Kyurem.

I think she might also have a Nidoqueen, Vulpx, Ninetails, Ponyta, Rapidash, Quilava, Typhlosion, a female Wobbuffet (they have lipstick XD), Delcatty, Rosarade, Lopunny, Glameow, Purrloin, Liepard, Swanna, or Mienshao.

I'm not sure what else he would have. What do you think?

I think that he might also have a Persian, Growlithe, Purugly, Purloin, Liepard, Simisage (I think he kinda looks like one), Zoroark, Mienshao, or Colbalion.

Ulquiorra Cifer: I think for sure he would have a Mightyena. because it looks like Ulquiorra's Resurrección: Segunda Etapa. The same with Houndoom. He would also have a Gothitelle.
I think he might also have Zubat, Golbat, Gloom, Gastly. Haunter, Gengar, Aerodactyl, Noctowl, Crobat, Murkrow, Larvitar, Shuppet, Banette, Absol, Glalie, Luxio, Luxray, Spiritomb, Gabite, Garchomp, Glyscor, Zoroark,

I think that she might also have Caterpie, Oddish, Gloom, Gastly, Bellossom, Politoed, Skiploon, Dunsparde, Teddiursa, Swinub, Larvitar, Celebi, Lotad, Lombre, Lodicolo, Ralts, Shroomish, Gulpin, Cacnea, Suppet, Turtwig, Budew, Bonsly, Shaymin, Deerling, Axew, Cubchoo,
ADULT Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck: For sure she would have a Virizion because it looks like Nel in her released form.
I think that she might have a Gloom, Rapidash, Bayleef, Meganium, Bellossom, Girafarig, Celebi, Grovyle, Sceptile, Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Shroomish, Breloom, Electrike, Gulpin, Cacnea, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull, Grotle, Torterra, Rosarade, Drifblim, Leafeon, Gallade, Shaymin, Serperior, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Escavalier, Axew, Fraxure, Haxorus, Cobalion, or Keldeo.
What do you think? And what about all the other Bleach Characters? I'm going to make more of these. I could really use the help! ANY ideas for ANY of the characters would be amazing!

I was originally doing one of these for Rukia but I couldn't decide what Pokémon she would have. I started hers in at least Februrary, and between then and now I made on for Ichigo, Light, and L.
Buneary: She would definately have a Buneary. Buneary's Pokédex species entry is the "Rabbit Pokémon" Its just like

I colored it to make it look more like Chappy ^^
Here's what Buneary looks like originally…
Absol: They are both stong and graceful.
I gave Absol Rukia's eyes.
Umbreon: Umbreon's Pokédex species entry is the "Moonlight Pokémon". Rukia first appeared in the anime under moonlight. One of her Shikai Special Abilities is Some no mai, Tsukishiro (初の舞・月白, First Dance, White Moon)
I colored Umbreon's rings like Rukia's Shikai form of her Zanpakutō.
I gave Umbreon Rukia's eyes.
Glaceon: Glaceon represents Rukia's ice abilities. Glaceon's Pokédex species entry is the "Fresh Snow Pokémon" and its ability is "Snow Cloak". Rukia's Zanpakutō is Sode no Shirayuki (袖白雪, Sleeved White Snow)
I colored Glaceon like the color of Sode no Shirayuki's Shikai.
Lugia: Despite what many think, Rukia is quite powerful. Her team should reflect that power. Chappy once told Ichigo that Rukia "is actually strong enough to be a ranked officer." Here's the clip… Its pretty funny XD It is in the dub as well
Rukia and Lugia are both strong, gentle, and graceful.
And they're names sound alike XD
Froslass: This represents Rukia's Zanpakutō

It was so hard to color T^T
The backpack Rukia used in the World of the Living, Chappy, a Soul Phone, a Kikanshinki (記換神機, "Account-Replacing Spirit Device"), Kon, a Soul Reaper/Shinigami Glove, a Hell Butterfly, her drawings, the juice box, Sode no Shirayuki, and a Poké Ball.

Here's Part 1 to get you started…
Please tell me your honest opinion! It means a lot to me. Thank you! :3
What do you think? Do you think that the Pokémon I chose should be different? would you color them differently? Please let me know, I'm super interested.
As for the images, none of them were drawn by me. I just colored some of them.
Credits to Tite Kubo

Gotta catch 'em all.


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What’s Kon good for? Or did he just sneak into her backpack?