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. : e n c o u n t e r : .
"When someone changes your world, that's when you know he's important to you."
― Tite Kubo
It all started with a scream from under the bed.
"Rukia," said Ichigo tapping on the closet door.
"Hold on a second, Ichigo, I'm changing."
There was rustling from under Ichigo's bed when they heard a scream; Kon came running out from underneath.
"What is it, fur ball? You scared me half to death!"
"What the hell are you talking about? I don't sense any Hollows! You gotta be crazy!"
"FINE! I'll go check under there if that means you'll shut the hell up!" He said grabbing a flashlight from a drawer in his desk.
"RUKIAAA! I'LL PROTECT YOU!" Kon ran to the closet and flung himself across the door. "HE'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME TO HARM MY SWEET RUKIA~!"
Rukia sighed. "What is it now, Kon?" She said with irritation in her voice.
"Kon, don't be ridiculous. I don't sense any Hollows. Hold on, I'll be out in a minute. I'm in the middle of changing."
Kon's face lit up. "Well in that case, I'll protect you from in there!" Kon eagerly began to open the closet door and stuck the top half of his head in when Rukia slammed it shut. "OW! OW! OW! OW! OH, MY SWEET RUKIA! HOW COULD YOU~?!"
"Will you two shut the hell up? My family will hear you!" said Ichigo angrily. He got down on the floor with the flashlight in hand and began to shine it around. "Alright, monster," he said. "You come out! I know you're there!"
Ichigo heard his bedroom door open. His head spun around. It was Yuzu. She stared a few moments at the spectacle before her and said supportively, "It's okay if you're afraid of monsters, Ichigo. I used to be, too. You can sleep with Dad and I tonight if you want. Dad and I are always here for you."
Yuzu smiled, turned around and gently shut the door behind her.
There was a long silence.
"OKAY, THAT'S IT! GET THE HELL OUT FROM UNDER THERE!" Ichigo said as he reached under his bed and groped around in the darkness. He grabbed something warm and soft.
"Wow, there is something under there," he said in a surprised voice.
"SEE! I TOLD YOU, ICHIGO!" said Kon, his head still smashed by the closet door. "But NO~! NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO THE TALKING STUFFED ANIMAL! EVERYONE--"
But Ichigo didn't hear the rest. There was sharp pain in his right hand. Ichigo immediately pulled it out from the the darkness to see deep teeth marks in his hand; blood trickling to the floor. Ichigo squealed.
The closet door slammed open. Kon's head was released and he fell to the floor, gasping for breath.
"What are you fools doing?" Rukia said, wearing a pair of Yuzu's yellow pajama's and her arms crossed. "What is this talk of monsters? This is foolish."
"B-but Rukia! Its true!" said Kon, still gasping.
"The ugly bastard bit my hand!" said Ichigo clutching his bleeding hand.
Rukia's eyes widened in fear and all signs of frustration over the situation vanished.
"Let me see your hand, Ichigo," she said softly; obvious concern in her voice.
Rukia walked over to where Ichigo was sitting and knelt on the floor close to him. Ichigo carefully let go and slowly held out his hand to Rukia. She slowly picked up his hand and gently placed it in her's. She held it up closer to her face to get a better look.
"These... These teeth marks are those of an animal."
"Yes." Rukia paused then looked down. "Bleddyn, please come out now. I'm sorry that I didn't act sooner, I didn't realize that you came in here while I was changing."
After a few moments, the head of a gray canine emerged from the darkness. The wolf-like beast reluctantly walked out with great caution; fur standing up between it's shoulder blades and back in anger, and proceeded to take a seat on the floor next to where Rukia was kneeling.
"This is Bleddyn. Please show our guest at least a shred of respect be introducing yourself," said Rukia.
Ichigo stared for a few moments and then said, "Ichigo Kurosaki; Substitute Soul Reaper... AND YOU BIT MY HAND!"
"YOU GRABBED ME!" His voice had a bark to it.
"Do you really think that I would respond after being called a monster?" he slowly growled. "I couldn't just sit there in the open. A member of your family might come in and see me!"
"Bleddyn, please apologize to Ichigo for biting him," asked Rukia.
"Not until spiky-head over here apologizes for grabbing me."
Rukia sighed. "Fine then."
Ichigo moaned. "Why the hell are you here anyway?"
"I was sent here by Kisuke Urahara. He said that I may be of use to you," Bleddyn explained.
"Yea, well you can run along tell old Mr. Hat-and-Clogs that I don't want you."
"I am not here because I want to be. I am following orders."
"Yea, well, I order you to leave."
"Ichigo!" shouted Rukia. "You should be grateful for all that Urahara has done for you. And sending Bleddyn back would be an insult to both him and Mr. Urahara."
"Rukia, why are you siding with this mangy mutt? How did you even know he was coming?"
"Look, I'm not siding with anyone. I went over to Urahara's shop to get some supplies when he told me that he would be sending Bleddyn over later. I had no idea it would be so soon. Otherwise, I would have introduced him."
"And just how is Fido here gonna help? Bark all night and scare away the cat burglars?" asked Ichigo.
"Do not take me lightly, Kurosaki. I was specially trained by Kisuke Urahara himself, as well as Yoruichi Shihōin, Tessai Tsukabishi and Lieutenant Renji Abarai. And that bite on your hand is the result of what happens when I get a little pissed, so don't fuck with me."
Ichigo simply stared.
"Look carrot top," said Bleddyn in a softer tone, obviously regretting that he had spoken so harshly, "if that bite really bothers you I can heal it."
"You... can do that?" asked Ichigo in shock. Everyone in the room looked over at Ichigo's hand. Rukia was still holding it. She quickly let it go and looked over at Bleddyn.
"Of course I can!" answered Bleddyn, sounding offended. "Now put your hand flat on the floor. No, your other hand, stupid," said Bleddyn to Ichigo after he put his uninjured left hand down. Now the bitten right hand lay.
"Good, Ichigo. Now we've learned common sense." Bleddyn licked the bleeding hand, and the flow ceased. Bleddyn then gingerly placed his right black-furred front leg over the hand. His eyes narrowed in concentration and Ichigo felt a strange tingling sensation. Bleddyn lifted his hovering black paw from his hand and Ichigo saw that his wound had completely healed.
Ichigo stared down at his hand, stunned.
"Thanks," he said looking now at Bleddyn.
"You're welcome."
There was a pause. Ichigo didn't expect such a response. They studied each other.
"Say Bleddyn, why are you all dirty? You're covered in dust! What happened?"
Bleddyn sighed. "Underneath your bed is filthy, Ichigo," said Bleddyn, though Ichigo didn't expect to hear that most of the bitterness had left Bleddyn's voice. Now it seemed to be replaced with exhaustion.
"Yeah, Ichigo!" yelled Kon. "See what I mean? That's why my fur is always so dirty!" Kon said pointing his stubby plush arm accusingly at him.
"FINE! I'll vacuum if you calm down!" Ichigo hastily fetched the vacuum and cleaned under the bed as fast as he could.
"There!" said Ichigo with a big huff.
"Thank you, Ichigo," said Bleddyn sincerely. He even smiled a bit.
Ichigo was again taken back. Bleddyn was now thanking him when a minute ago he nearly bit off his hand.
"Oh... Yeah, no problem," Ichigo replied after some delay.
Was this Bleddyn's true nature? He wondered if he was always this tame. Maybe all the big talk and vicious behavior was just induced by anger, and now that Bleddyn had calmed down he was tolerable.
"Ichigo, while you have the vacuum out you might as well get the rest of your room. There's this cob web in the closet that's been bothering me for a while," said Rukia. "And make sure get the area by the bedroom door well; stuff always gets tracked in."
Ichigo moaned, nearly pulling his hair out. "Since when am I the maid for you guys!?"
Ichigo heard a whimper. He turned around to see Bleddyn holding a maid hat and apron in his mouth, hanging his head sadly and looking up at him with large chocolate colored, puppy-dog eyes.
"NO! THERE'S NO WAY!" yelled Ichigo.
Bleddyn's eyes buldged.
Bleddyn's eyes filled with tears.
Bleddyn began to whimper louder. A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"I'm sure liking the outfit, Ichigo!" Kon teased while Ichigo was taking care to vacuum by his bedroom door.
"SHUT UP!" He shouted over his shoulder at Kon. "Would you really wanna make a puppy cry?!"
Kon just laughed even more wildly.
"Shut up, fur-ball or I'll kick the stuffing outta you!"
Kon was now rolling on the floor. Ichigo grabbed him off the floor and used the vacuum hose on him.
"AHHH! ICHIGO YOU JERK I'M GONNA CALL THE STUFFED ANIMAL PATR-AGGHH!" he screamed as his face was being suctioned.
"This will clean up your act!" He said, now grabbing Kon by the neck in his hand and suctioning his face with the hose.
Ichigo heard a click. Rukia had just taken a photo with her Soul Pager. Ichigo slammed the ON/OFF button and yelled "WHAT THE HELL, RUKIA!?"
He threw down Kon then his maid hat in anger.
But Rukia paid no attention. She sat on Ichigo's bed with Bleddyn beside her while staring at the tiny screen before them.
Rukia and Bleddyn just laughed over the photo.
"Make sure that you send it to Renji Abarai," Bleddyn said in his rough voice between laughs.
"Calm your jets, Ichigo," said Bleddyn.
"Why... did you do that...?" Ichigo said in a strained voice while trying not to strangle someone.
"It was just a joke, Ichigo," said Rukia.
"I thought that you would look AWFULLY silly with that outfit, Ichigo, and by God I was right," said Bleddyn surpressing a laugh.
Ichigo stood there clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.
"Hey, you called me a monster and grabbed me. You reap what you sew. You should know that, you being a Reaper and all."
"Ichigo, I'll be needing a bath."
Ichigo's eyes popped. "NO! THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M WASHING YOU!"
"Idiot. All you need to do is take me to the bathroom and I'll take care of the rest."
Ichigo sighed. "Fine! I guess we'll have to get your fur clean anyway. The fact that it's filthy started this whole cleaning spree mess anyway."
Ichigo opened his bedroom door a crack and stuck his head out while looking both ways. He opened the door wider and looked back down at Bleddyn, who was as at his heels.
"Alright, the coast is clear. It's just down the hall."
"Thank you, Ichigo." Bleddyn began to walk down the dark hallway. Ichigo followed.
"Hey, Ichigo," said Yuzu's voice behind him.
Ichigo quickly scooped up Bleddyn in his arms and started bookin' it to the bathroom. Ichigo yelled to her, "DIARRHEA!"
He entered the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. After locking it he leaned his back against the off-white door and sunk all the way too the floor breathing deeply with relief.
"Ichigo, you can put me down now."
He looked down to see that Bleddyn was still in his arms. It wasn't until then that he realized how soft Bleddyn's fur was despite its wild and spiky appearance.
"Oh, uh, sure." Ichigo quickly did so.
"Thanks," he said to Ichigo.
"You know, Ichigo, that was a pretty good save back there. 'Diarrhea.' Ha-ha~. That was good. Oh~ boy~," he laughed.
Ichigo scowled for a few moments, but then began to join in on the laughter.
"Ichigo?" said Yuzu's voice from behind the door. "Are you okay in there?" Ichigo stopped laughing at once. It must have sounded very strange to hear wild laughter coming from a locked bathroom.
"Uh, yea... I'm fine," he said blushing.
"Are you sure?" Yuzu asked.
"Positive. Couldn't have been better."
"Uh, okay..." She sounded doubtful.
"YUZU! LEAVE THE BOY BE! HE'S JUST TRYING TO ENJOY HIMSELF," said the voice of Ichigo's father, Isshin from the other side of the door.
"HEY! WHAT THE HELL, DAD!" yelled Ichigo. His face was bright red now.
"C'MON, YUZU! LET'S LEAVE THE BOY TO IT!" Ichigo heard them walk away.
He looked over at Bleddyn to find him leaning against the dusty rose colored wall and shaking in silent laugher.
"Alright, get on with it! Take your stupid bath!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" Bleddyn leaped into the tub and had Ichigo shut the shower curtain. "Thanks, Ichigo. Now don't look at me or I'll beat your ass."
"Why the hell would I? Jeez. Why do I need to be in here, anyway?"
"To make sure no one comes in! And they'd wanna shut off the water because showers don't go by themselves."
"Oh, right."
The water began to run.
After the water stopped, Ichigo heard Bleddyn shake his fur mostly dry and he hopped out of the tub. Bleddyn found that Ichigo was sitting on the floor organizing the products under the sink.
"I see that you've found something to do," said Bleddyn with an amused smile, breaking Ichigo's concentration.
Ichigo looked over at him briefly, not noticing that Bleddyn was finished washing up until he spoke.
"Huh? Oh, yea. You wouldn't believe how many expired things are under here," he said while throwing old tooth paste into the garbage can that he had placed beside him.
"Looks like you're really getting into today's theme, Ichigo."
"Today's theme? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well, I feel that today's events sort of formed a trend; a theme, yah know? You're cleaning the house up, I'm cleaning myself up, and Kon cleaned his act up... Well, you did with the vacuum, but still..." he let out a chuckle.
Ichigo cracked a smile.
"You know, you have a nice smile, Ichigo. I can already tell that you're one of those guys who don't smile much. Its okay to smile... for yourself. So turn that permi-frown up-side-down," Bleddyn said laughing at his last sentence. "I love my lame jokes..." said Bleddyn to himself.
There was a pause. Ichigo was trying his hardest not to smile but then failed.
"There we go, there we go! YES!" cheered Bleddyn.
"Ichigo? Is there someone in there with you? I heard another man's voice. I think he said something like 'there we go! Yes!'" said Yuzu from outside the bathroom.
"Wh-what?! What are you talking about?" Ichigo said, flustered. "That was me... I have... a cold coming on, so I have a dog, er, I mean a frog in my throat! And... I was looking for the cold medicine and I found it and I was like 'there it is!' and yea."
Ichigo panicked, then picked Bleddyn up and placed him in the cupboard under the sink. Ichigo flung open the bathroom door so quickly that the drinking glasses that his father and Yuzu had pressed against the door to listen in on him fell to the floor and shattered.
"WHAT THE HELL, GUYS!? THERE'S NO ONE IN HERE WITH ME!" Ichigo looked down at the broken glass on the floor and took moment to make sense of it. "YOU GUYS WERE LISTENING TO ME?! THAT'S SO CREEPY! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!"
"What's all the noise abou--" Karin began to say and froze as she just came around the corner. "Ichigo, why are you wearing a maid's apron?"
Ichigo looked down to find that he was indeed still wearing the frilly white apron. His face turned bright red. He was frantic. "I... was... cleaning up in here... I didn't want to get dirty!" He then pointed epicly to the trash can. "SEE! EXPIRED TOOTH PASTE!"
Karin and the others stared. She leaned against the wall. "Do whatever pleases you. I'm going to eat dinner," she said.
"Oh, that's right, Ichigo! I forgot to tell you!" Cried Yuzu
"I'll join you guys later. There are still some things that I gotta take care of," said Ichigo remembering that he had put Bleddyn under the sink. He shut and locked the bathroom door. Ichigo sat down on the floor, threw down the apron and opened the cupboard under the sink.
"Sorry about that. I had to think on my feet." There was no response.
"Bleddyn? You here?"
He stuck his head in the cupboard to look for him, remembering not to grab or he would lose a hand. But there was no dark gray canine there. After searching the entire bathroom he decided to head back to his room and ask Rukia where she thought he was. When Ichigo opened the bedroom door he found Rukia sitting in his desk chair reading a novel and Bleddyn curled up on the end of his bed.
"How did you get in here?" Bleddyn looked up at him.
"After you shut me in the cupboard, I jumped out the bathroom window and came in through the one in here," he explained. "I'm more capable than I appear to be, Ichigo. Stealth is one of the very few good points that I posses."
There was a pause. It bothered Ichigo when others spoke poorly of themselves.
"Well, anyway, its time for dinner and we're having Korean. I'll be right back, and I want you off my bed."
Ichigo left and came back with two plates of food. He handed one to Rukia and sat on his bed. Ichigo looked down at Bleddyn who now sat on the floor, looking back up at him.
"Oh, you're hungry, aren't you? You ever had Korean Barbecue?"
"No, never."
"Well, you're in for a treat." Ichigo took his chopsticks, picked up some ribs and dropped it on the floor. Bleddyn stared down at it for a few moments, and then looked back up at Ichigo with his big, sad chocolate brown eyes.
"Jeez, what is it?"
"Do you honestly expect me to eat off the floor like some kind of animal?" Bleddyn asked quietly. Ichigo was stunned by this response.
"Hey... but you're a... ugh..." Ichigo put a plate of barbecue and vegetables on the floor in front of Bleddyn. He stared down at the plate of food that was placed before him and without looking up he said softly, "Thank you."
Bleddyn, who was neglecting to eat his vegetables, lifted his head up from his plate and was listening for something intently.
"What is it, boy? Did Timmy fall in the well?" Ichigo teased.
But Bleddyn didn't growl in annoyance like he had expected. Only seconds after did Rukia's Soul Pager ring.
"Hollows..." she said.
"Two of them," added Bleddyn, unmoving. Both Ichigo and Rukia stared at him. "They're nothing two Reapers can't handle. You will not be needing outside assistance. Now go," said Bleddyn.
Ichigo pressed his Substitute Soul Reaper Pass against his chest, his soul leaving his body. He followed Rukia, who was already out of her Gigai and out the window.
After leaping over dozens of rooftops, they were able to spot a Hollow terrorizing the soul of a young girl in the local park.
"Where's the other one?" asked Ichigo as they came closer to the beast.
"I don't know, but since we aren't able to detect the second one we'll have to be on alert for it as we fight the one before us."
Ichigo and Rukia were above the park now, and as the girl ran past the swing-set she was only an arms length away from the Hollow.
"Rukia! The girl!"
"Got it," she said, swooping down and rescuing the soul from the encroaching claws of the feline Hollow.
In that instant, Ichigo swung Zangetsu and cut off the beast's arm; preventing his claws from piecing the flesh of Rukia's back. The monster let of an ear splitting howl.
"Ichigo," Rukia yelled as she sprinted away with the girl. "You take care of this one. I'll keep the girl safe and locate the second Hollow."
. : e n c o u n t e r : .
"When someone changes your world, that's when you know he's important to you."
― Tite Kubo
It all started with a scream from under the bed.
"Rukia," said Ichigo tapping on the closet door.
"Hold on a second, Ichigo, I'm changing."
There was rustling from under Ichigo's bed when they heard a scream; Kon came running out from underneath.
"What is it, fur ball? You scared me half to death!"
"What the hell are you talking about? I don't sense any Hollows! You gotta be crazy!"
"FINE! I'll go check under there if that means you'll shut the hell up!" He said grabbing a flashlight from a drawer in his desk.
"RUKIAAA! I'LL PROTECT YOU!" Kon ran to the closet and flung himself across the door. "HE'LL HAVE TO GO THROUGH ME TO HARM MY SWEET RUKIA~!"
Rukia sighed. "What is it now, Kon?" She said with irritation in her voice.
"Kon, don't be ridiculous. I don't sense any Hollows. Hold on, I'll be out in a minute. I'm in the middle of changing."
Kon's face lit up. "Well in that case, I'll protect you from in there!" Kon eagerly began to open the closet door and stuck the top half of his head in when Rukia slammed it shut. "OW! OW! OW! OW! OH, MY SWEET RUKIA! HOW COULD YOU~?!"
"Will you two shut the hell up? My family will hear you!" said Ichigo angrily. He got down on the floor with the flashlight in hand and began to shine it around. "Alright, monster," he said. "You come out! I know you're there!"
Ichigo heard his bedroom door open. His head spun around. It was Yuzu. She stared a few moments at the spectacle before her and said supportively, "It's okay if you're afraid of monsters, Ichigo. I used to be, too. You can sleep with Dad and I tonight if you want. Dad and I are always here for you."
Yuzu smiled, turned around and gently shut the door behind her.
There was a long silence.
"OKAY, THAT'S IT! GET THE HELL OUT FROM UNDER THERE!" Ichigo said as he reached under his bed and groped around in the darkness. He grabbed something warm and soft.
"Wow, there is something under there," he said in a surprised voice.
"SEE! I TOLD YOU, ICHIGO!" said Kon, his head still smashed by the closet door. "But NO~! NO ONE EVER LISTENS TO THE TALKING STUFFED ANIMAL! EVERYONE--"
But Ichigo didn't hear the rest. There was sharp pain in his right hand. Ichigo immediately pulled it out from the the darkness to see deep teeth marks in his hand; blood trickling to the floor. Ichigo squealed.
The closet door slammed open. Kon's head was released and he fell to the floor, gasping for breath.
"What are you fools doing?" Rukia said, wearing a pair of Yuzu's yellow pajama's and her arms crossed. "What is this talk of monsters? This is foolish."
"B-but Rukia! Its true!" said Kon, still gasping.
"The ugly bastard bit my hand!" said Ichigo clutching his bleeding hand.
Rukia's eyes widened in fear and all signs of frustration over the situation vanished.
"Let me see your hand, Ichigo," she said softly; obvious concern in her voice.
Rukia walked over to where Ichigo was sitting and knelt on the floor close to him. Ichigo carefully let go and slowly held out his hand to Rukia. She slowly picked up his hand and gently placed it in her's. She held it up closer to her face to get a better look.
"These... These teeth marks are those of an animal."
"Yes." Rukia paused then looked down. "Bleddyn, please come out now. I'm sorry that I didn't act sooner, I didn't realize that you came in here while I was changing."
After a few moments, the head of a gray canine emerged from the darkness. The wolf-like beast reluctantly walked out with great caution; fur standing up between it's shoulder blades and back in anger, and proceeded to take a seat on the floor next to where Rukia was kneeling.
"This is Bleddyn. Please show our guest at least a shred of respect be introducing yourself," said Rukia.
Ichigo stared for a few moments and then said, "Ichigo Kurosaki; Substitute Soul Reaper... AND YOU BIT MY HAND!"
"YOU GRABBED ME!" His voice had a bark to it.
"Do you really think that I would respond after being called a monster?" he slowly growled. "I couldn't just sit there in the open. A member of your family might come in and see me!"
"Bleddyn, please apologize to Ichigo for biting him," asked Rukia.
"Not until spiky-head over here apologizes for grabbing me."
Rukia sighed. "Fine then."
Ichigo moaned. "Why the hell are you here anyway?"
"I was sent here by Kisuke Urahara. He said that I may be of use to you," Bleddyn explained.
"Yea, well you can run along tell old Mr. Hat-and-Clogs that I don't want you."
"I am not here because I want to be. I am following orders."
"Yea, well, I order you to leave."
"Ichigo!" shouted Rukia. "You should be grateful for all that Urahara has done for you. And sending Bleddyn back would be an insult to both him and Mr. Urahara."
"Rukia, why are you siding with this mangy mutt? How did you even know he was coming?"
"Look, I'm not siding with anyone. I went over to Urahara's shop to get some supplies when he told me that he would be sending Bleddyn over later. I had no idea it would be so soon. Otherwise, I would have introduced him."
"And just how is Fido here gonna help? Bark all night and scare away the cat burglars?" asked Ichigo.
"Do not take me lightly, Kurosaki. I was specially trained by Kisuke Urahara himself, as well as Yoruichi Shihōin, Tessai Tsukabishi and Lieutenant Renji Abarai. And that bite on your hand is the result of what happens when I get a little pissed, so don't fuck with me."
Ichigo simply stared.
"Look carrot top," said Bleddyn in a softer tone, obviously regretting that he had spoken so harshly, "if that bite really bothers you I can heal it."
"You... can do that?" asked Ichigo in shock. Everyone in the room looked over at Ichigo's hand. Rukia was still holding it. She quickly let it go and looked over at Bleddyn.
"Of course I can!" answered Bleddyn, sounding offended. "Now put your hand flat on the floor. No, your other hand, stupid," said Bleddyn to Ichigo after he put his uninjured left hand down. Now the bitten right hand lay.
"Good, Ichigo. Now we've learned common sense." Bleddyn licked the bleeding hand, and the flow ceased. Bleddyn then gingerly placed his right black-furred front leg over the hand. His eyes narrowed in concentration and Ichigo felt a strange tingling sensation. Bleddyn lifted his hovering black paw from his hand and Ichigo saw that his wound had completely healed.
Ichigo stared down at his hand, stunned.
"Thanks," he said looking now at Bleddyn.
"You're welcome."
There was a pause. Ichigo didn't expect such a response. They studied each other.
"Say Bleddyn, why are you all dirty? You're covered in dust! What happened?"
Bleddyn sighed. "Underneath your bed is filthy, Ichigo," said Bleddyn, though Ichigo didn't expect to hear that most of the bitterness had left Bleddyn's voice. Now it seemed to be replaced with exhaustion.
"Yeah, Ichigo!" yelled Kon. "See what I mean? That's why my fur is always so dirty!" Kon said pointing his stubby plush arm accusingly at him.
"FINE! I'll vacuum if you calm down!" Ichigo hastily fetched the vacuum and cleaned under the bed as fast as he could.
"There!" said Ichigo with a big huff.
"Thank you, Ichigo," said Bleddyn sincerely. He even smiled a bit.
Ichigo was again taken back. Bleddyn was now thanking him when a minute ago he nearly bit off his hand.
"Oh... Yeah, no problem," Ichigo replied after some delay.
Was this Bleddyn's true nature? He wondered if he was always this tame. Maybe all the big talk and vicious behavior was just induced by anger, and now that Bleddyn had calmed down he was tolerable.
"Ichigo, while you have the vacuum out you might as well get the rest of your room. There's this cob web in the closet that's been bothering me for a while," said Rukia. "And make sure get the area by the bedroom door well; stuff always gets tracked in."
Ichigo moaned, nearly pulling his hair out. "Since when am I the maid for you guys!?"
Ichigo heard a whimper. He turned around to see Bleddyn holding a maid hat and apron in his mouth, hanging his head sadly and looking up at him with large chocolate colored, puppy-dog eyes.
"NO! THERE'S NO WAY!" yelled Ichigo.
Bleddyn's eyes buldged.
Bleddyn's eyes filled with tears.
Bleddyn began to whimper louder. A single tear rolled down his cheek.
"I'm sure liking the outfit, Ichigo!" Kon teased while Ichigo was taking care to vacuum by his bedroom door.
"SHUT UP!" He shouted over his shoulder at Kon. "Would you really wanna make a puppy cry?!"
Kon just laughed even more wildly.
"Shut up, fur-ball or I'll kick the stuffing outta you!"
Kon was now rolling on the floor. Ichigo grabbed him off the floor and used the vacuum hose on him.
"AHHH! ICHIGO YOU JERK I'M GONNA CALL THE STUFFED ANIMAL PATR-AGGHH!" he screamed as his face was being suctioned.
"This will clean up your act!" He said, now grabbing Kon by the neck in his hand and suctioning his face with the hose.
Ichigo heard a click. Rukia had just taken a photo with her Soul Pager. Ichigo slammed the ON/OFF button and yelled "WHAT THE HELL, RUKIA!?"
He threw down Kon then his maid hat in anger.
But Rukia paid no attention. She sat on Ichigo's bed with Bleddyn beside her while staring at the tiny screen before them.
Rukia and Bleddyn just laughed over the photo.
"Make sure that you send it to Renji Abarai," Bleddyn said in his rough voice between laughs.
"Calm your jets, Ichigo," said Bleddyn.
"Why... did you do that...?" Ichigo said in a strained voice while trying not to strangle someone.
"It was just a joke, Ichigo," said Rukia.
"I thought that you would look AWFULLY silly with that outfit, Ichigo, and by God I was right," said Bleddyn surpressing a laugh.
Ichigo stood there clenching his fists and gritting his teeth.
"Hey, you called me a monster and grabbed me. You reap what you sew. You should know that, you being a Reaper and all."
"Ichigo, I'll be needing a bath."
Ichigo's eyes popped. "NO! THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL I'M WASHING YOU!"
"Idiot. All you need to do is take me to the bathroom and I'll take care of the rest."
Ichigo sighed. "Fine! I guess we'll have to get your fur clean anyway. The fact that it's filthy started this whole cleaning spree mess anyway."
Ichigo opened his bedroom door a crack and stuck his head out while looking both ways. He opened the door wider and looked back down at Bleddyn, who was as at his heels.
"Alright, the coast is clear. It's just down the hall."
"Thank you, Ichigo." Bleddyn began to walk down the dark hallway. Ichigo followed.
"Hey, Ichigo," said Yuzu's voice behind him.
Ichigo quickly scooped up Bleddyn in his arms and started bookin' it to the bathroom. Ichigo yelled to her, "DIARRHEA!"
He entered the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. After locking it he leaned his back against the off-white door and sunk all the way too the floor breathing deeply with relief.
"Ichigo, you can put me down now."
He looked down to see that Bleddyn was still in his arms. It wasn't until then that he realized how soft Bleddyn's fur was despite its wild and spiky appearance.
"Oh, uh, sure." Ichigo quickly did so.
"Thanks," he said to Ichigo.
"You know, Ichigo, that was a pretty good save back there. 'Diarrhea.' Ha-ha~. That was good. Oh~ boy~," he laughed.
Ichigo scowled for a few moments, but then began to join in on the laughter.
"Ichigo?" said Yuzu's voice from behind the door. "Are you okay in there?" Ichigo stopped laughing at once. It must have sounded very strange to hear wild laughter coming from a locked bathroom.
"Uh, yea... I'm fine," he said blushing.
"Are you sure?" Yuzu asked.
"Positive. Couldn't have been better."
"Uh, okay..." She sounded doubtful.
"YUZU! LEAVE THE BOY BE! HE'S JUST TRYING TO ENJOY HIMSELF," said the voice of Ichigo's father, Isshin from the other side of the door.
"HEY! WHAT THE HELL, DAD!" yelled Ichigo. His face was bright red now.
"C'MON, YUZU! LET'S LEAVE THE BOY TO IT!" Ichigo heard them walk away.
He looked over at Bleddyn to find him leaning against the dusty rose colored wall and shaking in silent laugher.
"Alright, get on with it! Take your stupid bath!"
"Okay, okay, okay!" Bleddyn leaped into the tub and had Ichigo shut the shower curtain. "Thanks, Ichigo. Now don't look at me or I'll beat your ass."
"Why the hell would I? Jeez. Why do I need to be in here, anyway?"
"To make sure no one comes in! And they'd wanna shut off the water because showers don't go by themselves."
"Oh, right."
The water began to run.
After the water stopped, Ichigo heard Bleddyn shake his fur mostly dry and he hopped out of the tub. Bleddyn found that Ichigo was sitting on the floor organizing the products under the sink.
"I see that you've found something to do," said Bleddyn with an amused smile, breaking Ichigo's concentration.
Ichigo looked over at him briefly, not noticing that Bleddyn was finished washing up until he spoke.
"Huh? Oh, yea. You wouldn't believe how many expired things are under here," he said while throwing old tooth paste into the garbage can that he had placed beside him.
"Looks like you're really getting into today's theme, Ichigo."
"Today's theme? What the hell are you talking about?"
"Well, I feel that today's events sort of formed a trend; a theme, yah know? You're cleaning the house up, I'm cleaning myself up, and Kon cleaned his act up... Well, you did with the vacuum, but still..." he let out a chuckle.
Ichigo cracked a smile.
"You know, you have a nice smile, Ichigo. I can already tell that you're one of those guys who don't smile much. Its okay to smile... for yourself. So turn that permi-frown up-side-down," Bleddyn said laughing at his last sentence. "I love my lame jokes..." said Bleddyn to himself.
There was a pause. Ichigo was trying his hardest not to smile but then failed.
"There we go, there we go! YES!" cheered Bleddyn.
"Ichigo? Is there someone in there with you? I heard another man's voice. I think he said something like 'there we go! Yes!'" said Yuzu from outside the bathroom.
"Wh-what?! What are you talking about?" Ichigo said, flustered. "That was me... I have... a cold coming on, so I have a dog, er, I mean a frog in my throat! And... I was looking for the cold medicine and I found it and I was like 'there it is!' and yea."
Ichigo panicked, then picked Bleddyn up and placed him in the cupboard under the sink. Ichigo flung open the bathroom door so quickly that the drinking glasses that his father and Yuzu had pressed against the door to listen in on him fell to the floor and shattered.
"WHAT THE HELL, GUYS!? THERE'S NO ONE IN HERE WITH ME!" Ichigo looked down at the broken glass on the floor and took moment to make sense of it. "YOU GUYS WERE LISTENING TO ME?! THAT'S SO CREEPY! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!"
"What's all the noise abou--" Karin began to say and froze as she just came around the corner. "Ichigo, why are you wearing a maid's apron?"
Ichigo looked down to find that he was indeed still wearing the frilly white apron. His face turned bright red. He was frantic. "I... was... cleaning up in here... I didn't want to get dirty!" He then pointed epicly to the trash can. "SEE! EXPIRED TOOTH PASTE!"
Karin and the others stared. She leaned against the wall. "Do whatever pleases you. I'm going to eat dinner," she said.
"Oh, that's right, Ichigo! I forgot to tell you!" Cried Yuzu
"I'll join you guys later. There are still some things that I gotta take care of," said Ichigo remembering that he had put Bleddyn under the sink. He shut and locked the bathroom door. Ichigo sat down on the floor, threw down the apron and opened the cupboard under the sink.
"Sorry about that. I had to think on my feet." There was no response.
"Bleddyn? You here?"
He stuck his head in the cupboard to look for him, remembering not to grab or he would lose a hand. But there was no dark gray canine there. After searching the entire bathroom he decided to head back to his room and ask Rukia where she thought he was. When Ichigo opened the bedroom door he found Rukia sitting in his desk chair reading a novel and Bleddyn curled up on the end of his bed.
"How did you get in here?" Bleddyn looked up at him.
"After you shut me in the cupboard, I jumped out the bathroom window and came in through the one in here," he explained. "I'm more capable than I appear to be, Ichigo. Stealth is one of the very few good points that I posses."
There was a pause. It bothered Ichigo when others spoke poorly of themselves.
"Well, anyway, its time for dinner and we're having Korean. I'll be right back, and I want you off my bed."
Ichigo left and came back with two plates of food. He handed one to Rukia and sat on his bed. Ichigo looked down at Bleddyn who now sat on the floor, looking back up at him.
"Oh, you're hungry, aren't you? You ever had Korean Barbecue?"
"No, never."
"Well, you're in for a treat." Ichigo took his chopsticks, picked up some ribs and dropped it on the floor. Bleddyn stared down at it for a few moments, and then looked back up at Ichigo with his big, sad chocolate brown eyes.
"Jeez, what is it?"
"Do you honestly expect me to eat off the floor like some kind of animal?" Bleddyn asked quietly. Ichigo was stunned by this response.
"Hey... but you're a... ugh..." Ichigo put a plate of barbecue and vegetables on the floor in front of Bleddyn. He stared down at the plate of food that was placed before him and without looking up he said softly, "Thank you."
Bleddyn, who was neglecting to eat his vegetables, lifted his head up from his plate and was listening for something intently.
"What is it, boy? Did Timmy fall in the well?" Ichigo teased.
But Bleddyn didn't growl in annoyance like he had expected. Only seconds after did Rukia's Soul Pager ring.
"Hollows..." she said.
"Two of them," added Bleddyn, unmoving. Both Ichigo and Rukia stared at him. "They're nothing two Reapers can't handle. You will not be needing outside assistance. Now go," said Bleddyn.
Ichigo pressed his Substitute Soul Reaper Pass against his chest, his soul leaving his body. He followed Rukia, who was already out of her Gigai and out the window.
After leaping over dozens of rooftops, they were able to spot a Hollow terrorizing the soul of a young girl in the local park.
"Where's the other one?" asked Ichigo as they came closer to the beast.
"I don't know, but since we aren't able to detect the second one we'll have to be on alert for it as we fight the one before us."
Ichigo and Rukia were above the park now, and as the girl ran past the swing-set she was only an arms length away from the Hollow.
"Rukia! The girl!"
"Got it," she said, swooping down and rescuing the soul from the encroaching claws of the feline Hollow.
In that instant, Ichigo swung Zangetsu and cut off the beast's arm; preventing his claws from piecing the flesh of Rukia's back. The monster let of an ear splitting howl.
"Ichigo," Rukia yelled as she sprinted away with the girl. "You take care of this one. I'll keep the girl safe and locate the second Hollow."
Featured in Groups
Part 1 [link]
Part 2 [link]
Part 3 [link]
Part 4 [link]
Part 5 [link]
Part 6 [link]
Part 7 [link]
and I'm STILL writing
Here's my first pic of Bleddyn: [link]
My second pic of Bleddyn: [link]
Here's a pic of Rukia with a drawing of Bleddyn :3 [link]
Thanks to my little sis
for being my editor! and making the cover for Part 7! [link]
AND to
for giving suggetions that I will use later on :3
AND to
(She goes by
now) because she drew a picture of Bleddyn! [link]

This is subject to small changes here and there; I may improve things like descriptions and whatnot. Or errors.
Bleddyn's personality is based partially off mine, but better.
And I don't have four legs and a tail.

Part 2 [link]
Part 3 [link]
Part 4 [link]
Part 5 [link]
Part 6 [link]
Part 7 [link]
and I'm STILL writing

Here's my first pic of Bleddyn: [link]
My second pic of Bleddyn: [link]
Here's a pic of Rukia with a drawing of Bleddyn :3 [link]
Thanks to my little sis

AND to

AND to

This is subject to small changes here and there; I may improve things like descriptions and whatnot. Or errors.
Bleddyn's personality is based partially off mine, but better.
And I don't have four legs and a tail.

© 2011 - 2025 drpepperswife
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This chapter had me laughing at some points. Also, I'm starting to like Bleddyn for the fact that he can heal injuries and he can sense Hollows.