droz928's avatar


Jacob Dillon
232 Watchers186 Deviations
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (19)
Well i am sorry for not responding to all the comments and what nots. I no longer use this account and have just left it up for the resources.If you would like to see my newer work please check out http://hitech-hillbilly.deviantart.com :iconhitech-hillbilly:
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Hello all

0 min read
Well tourist season is coming to an end here. School is arround the cornor. This means for me life is going to slow down to the point where i can focus on my art work again.Although i do enjoy the tourists and working almost 24/7 (yes i am kidding) I am excited to get back to my art work.Finally got Ubuntu to work on my new laptop so once again i can go full open source. It was kinda weird running windows again. I am not going to get into the whole which is better debate, but i will state Ubuntu is more for me than windows is.However the draw back is still there that my tablet will not work in ubuntu so i figure i will keep windows so i ca...
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Hello allWell i have not updated this thing in forever. I have been swamped with my real life. I am trying to find the time to create some artwork, but every time i sit down it seems i have to run off. Thus is life.I hope every one had a great new year and a very merry Christmas. The holidays were great for my children and I.I am hoping to get back into my art and back into Gimping. I do miss it greatly and hope i can find some time to post some work here.Untill next time peace and good will to all.
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I'm just reinstaling Apo after a drive problem,  looking for the pluggin   "plastic"  Do you know where I might find it??
Thanks  T'sarveK
Hello! I used your stock here [link] it is for a layout bit, so the credits are going to be at the bottom of the table. There is a picture that shows the credits, and I'll see if I can give you a link to the page when it is up to prove the credits are there.
I couldn't help notice that your icon is the Ubuntu symbol.
can u please tell me how to convert gimp brushes to ps7 and up brushes..
sorry but i dunno wat gimp brushes exactly is...
A GIMP brush is a brush for GIMP. GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is free and has lots of features.

The answer I know is this

1. open the gbr file using Gimp, save the pic as png format,
2. open the png file with photoshop, read this link [link] , following tutorial instructions on how to make photoshop brush with pic.

Hope it helps, if not 2 years later.....