We want your sugarsDroneguard on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/droneguard/art/We-want-your-sugars-176747262Droneguard

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We want your sugars


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It's not always your little bro/sis stealing your sweets you know :iconbreenplz:

*EDIT* The response is overwhelming, through this I thank you all for your comments, favs and watches. You're all great :aww:

I've been walking around with this idea for a while, and it sure made me want some proper amounts of sugars :eyes:
At this moment I'm cutting down on the sweetness because the older you get the slower you burn them up :lmao: Digital sweets cannot hurt :)
I animated some of the sugars a bit, but not too much otherwise it would look crap.

Here's a link to a static image so that you can look at the details [link]
The sugars, clockwise:
Candy cane
Lollipop (blackberry banana flavor)
Lollipop nr.2 (apple flavor)
Ice cream (strawberry flavor with chocolate chucks)
Chocolate chip cookie
A piece of Chocolate.

That will make your teeth fall out :lmao:

Done in: PS CS2
Duration: approx. 13 hours
Image size
150x150px 70.06 KB
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emsmess's avatar

We want your sugars On their way to overfeed Orange