Horse TutorialDroemar on DeviantArt

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Horse Tutorial

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Just a quick tutorial I threw together while chatting with Starhorse and Wadhifitook. They cheered me up.
I draw these little guys incessently on my notebook margins. Horses leap over biology notes and gallop past art history dates. I really should start drawing something harder, like humans.
Form concept is my current eureka. I'm trying to use it more because form concept = stronger foundation drawings.
I also draw a lot of my horses with the Peruvian Paso or Andalusian body and mane, because I own a Peruvian. But I tried to keep my drawings more stock or grade body type, cause those are the kind you see most of the time.

I am in such a rut it's not funny. Plus I'm working on two comissions, so those will occupy my time for a bit. I hope this helps folks. Draw 100 of these things and post 'em. You'll get better. And I'll give you something.
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800x1100px 191.31 KB
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Very helpful thank you