DrMistyTang on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/drmistytang/art/Glitch-341084033DrMistyTang

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DrMistyTang's avatar




I promised my sister *Zimeta a Vanellope~ And I love the little glitch, so here we are. :heart: HMM. Not much to say about this one! It was a lot of fun doing a big doofy expression, though. :eyes: Vanellope is such a great character; I love her pixlexia, heheh. Also Sarah Silverman did a great job with her voice; lots of comedy but lots of heart, too. :nod:
And, I don't know about you guys, but I kinda want Sugar Rush to be a real game.

And the kiddies get their own little folder: [link]

Vanellope Von Schweetz (c) Disney
Artwork (c) Meeee
Image size
675x844px 891.61 KB
© 2012 - 2024 DrMistyTang
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moonlitinuyasha1985's avatar
I know Sarah can be pretty raunchy, so it was a surprise to me that she voiced Vanellope.