DrkTr14ce on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/drktr14ce/art/Link-can-t-wait-92916866DrkTr14ce

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Link can't wait



New artwork!
Completion time: 3 Days
(Well, ok...4 Days. I finished at 00:04, 6/27/2008)

This is a drawing done as a Birthday gift for Frosty the War God, an actual friend of mine.

Ok, the joke behind this one is a long one:
The quote is from TLOZ: The Wand of Gamelon, a crappy game for the Phillips CD-i system, which Nintendo helped make. It is so bad, it would probably give you Cancer. Or at least appreciate the Wii a lot more.

Anyways, thanks to the magic that is the Internet, people over on Youtube have been using the cutscenes and voice acting from the game, along with Hotel Mario, and create a combination of weird shit, and comedic randomness. They're commonly referred to as 'Youtube Poops' (YTPs).

FrostyTheWarGod, my friend, makes Youtube Poops for fun. And so, knowing this, I threw together a picture of Link holding a bomb going to throw it at a Dodongo, along with the text below it. I though it was funny enough to draw it for a gift. And so, there you have it.
Image size
999x768px 129.36 KB
© 2008 - 2024 DrkTr14ce
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shadow306k's avatar
i like the humor, reminds me of the first time i did dodongos cavern in ocarina of time :frustrated: