Rhiannon - Maker of BirdsDriPoint on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dripoint/art/Rhiannon-Maker-of-Birds-430492266DriPoint

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DriPoint's avatar

Rhiannon - Maker of Birds



And the birds are still singing
And the song is now sweeping
Like a silver, a silver shimmering flood

Written by Stevie Nicks, some Lyrics by E. Walton

Extract from an unreleased Stevie Nicks track forming part of a wider song suite based around the brilliant "Rhiannon" album track which I was delighted to see performed live at Wembley many years ago.

An early birthday gift for CindysArt whose art was, and continues to be, a great inspiration after I first discovered dA.

Really great stock images, many thanks to each of you

Rhiannon = kuoma-stock.deviantart.com/art…

Background spray = axy-stock.deviantart.com/art/S…

Bird 1 = frank-1956.deviantart.com/art/…

Bird 2 = frank-1956.deviantart.com/art/…

Bird 3 = frank-1956.deviantart.com/art/…

I hope I have used your stock in the spirit of your relevant permissions but if you feel I have in any way breached your terms of use please let me know and I will remove or amend my piece. If you are offended or just plain disappointed by the content or
quality of the work then let me know and  I will remove or amend my piece. If you like it though let me know, my ego could do with a massage.

© 2013 - dripoint.deviantart.com/

I spend a lot of time and work really hard to generate original new imagery from the kindly donated stock images and so I would not appreciate any use, redistribution, modification, cropping, tubing or any other corruption of my creations in any way
without first gaining my written consent. Doing so violates my copyright & may well also infringe upon the model & respective stock photographers copyrights or terms of use. 
Image size
1800x900px 575.17 KB
© 2014 - 2025 DriPoint
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