Tatta-doodles's avatar


The Rat with AXE-i-tude
566 Watchers
I am going to make a costume.... its going to be a tanuki (racoon) I can make the ears and the tail.... no prob.... but the clothes!!!! I stink at desineing clothes.... I need ideas!!! if you have an idea for a good costume then please draw it and lable it "tanuki costume for kasame" please I am desprate!!!!

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so I got tagged by :iconsixala:

here are the ... well... rules
RULES: Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end, you need to choose 8 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

... and here I go...

1. I hate my real name (and it is.... not going to be said in this)

2.my sis nicknamed me "Sasuke"

3.I hate sasuke....

4.I was one of the longest working employees at Burger King at age 16 (I worked there for over a year)

5.I have a bowl-cut.... and I am proud of it!

6.I have a pet rat that is balding ^3^

7.my boyfriend is older than me by 7 years

8.I wont drink warm milk (that means if its been out of the fridge for more than 30 seconds so I chug it)

9.my initials are D.A. like deviant art ^_^

10.my "fursona" is a dragon-fox.... hence my name "drgn-fx"

11.I like other peoples art.... but have a low opinion on mine (OK so thats obvious)

12.my dad thinks I am lesbian.... but I am not!!! (I DO have a boyfriend after all)

13.I dont eat my food if its touching (like the steak touching the mashed potatos)

14.we own a 14 year old, one eyed, blind, deaf chihuahua..... her name is "chica"

15.I am a pack-rat .... and will keep anything and ANYTHING... (even if I will never use it)

OK thats it.... now who shall I tag.....*looks around* MWAHAHAHAHH!!!!

I by the power vested in DA..... I tag

:icontenjilover: , :iconrockleefan440: , :icondisturbedmediocrity: ,
:iconjinsuke-ollie: , :icondaughterofgaara: and my sis :iconkesskitty: .

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ARRRRG I am bored I want to draw something that will make someone.... maybe you...... smile :) and I love drawing suggestions..... so anyone who wants gift art.... leave a comment telling me what you like..... and I will see if I can draw it for you (but since most of you are better artists than me.... don't expect it to be perfect)

Oh and one more thing...... YAY this is my FIRST lournal entry!!!! THANK YOU ROCKLEEFAN440 FOR SHOWING ME HOW TO MAKE ONE!!!!!

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sooooooooo long time no see? heh by Tatta-doodles, journal

gonna start trying to post here again by Tatta-doodles, journal

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!!! by Tatta-doodles, journal

PLEASE READ!!!! going to try and be more active!! by Tatta-doodles, journal

well.... she's gone... by Tatta-doodles, journal