since I tend to forget to post stuff (and I DO have a ton to post...) I have been drawing a lot... but I'm WAY more chatty on my art-telegram account! *plug plug* *plug plug* if you have a telegram, PLEASE hit me up ^^
I've also been really busy working on art for ACFI (alamo city furry invasion), a furry convention in san antonio texas (check it out here
I'm the social media graphics lead ^^ so I do a lot of the art for ACFI's social media accounts (the website, twitter, facebook etc)
anyhoo, to try and help get me back into posting regularly I am going to try and schedule 1 post a day (finally taking advantage of DA's "schedule a post" feature)
I'll be putting them out at 11 AM every day
so please, bear with me while I try and be here more.... not just for me... but for you... I'm tired of just lurking around, leaving the occasional comment or fave, and then vanishing into darkness....
I miss you guys, and the fun times we used to have talking and sharing....