Tatta-doodles's avatar


The Rat with AXE-i-tude
565 Watchers
since I tend to forget to post stuff (and I DO have a ton to post...) I have been drawing a lot... but I'm WAY more chatty on my art-telegram account! *plug plug* t.me/TattasRatNest *plug plug* if you have a telegram, PLEASE hit me up ^^

I've also been really busy working on art for ACFI (alamo city furry invasion), a furry convention in san antonio texas (check it out here furryinvasion.org/
I'm the social media graphics lead ^^ so I do a lot of the art for ACFI's social media accounts (the website, twitter, facebook etc)

anyhoo, to try and help get me back into posting regularly I am going to try and schedule 1 post a day (finally taking advantage of DA's "schedule a post" feature)

I'll be putting them out at 11 AM every day

so please, bear with me while I try and be here more.... not just for me... but for you... I'm tired of just lurking around, leaving the occasional comment or fave, and then vanishing into darkness....

I miss you guys, and the fun times we used to have talking and sharing....

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so, we got a call today from the family, saying that things were looking bleak, and that on friday (this coming friday) they were going to unhook her from the life support machines....

so tikes and I got ready to head back out to ohio to be there for the family....
but just after we got back from work today, tikes got another call.....

she's gone...

the family is holding out as best they can, but, this is just going to be a hard time for everyone... we'll get through this though... it's not as though we never thought this would happen...

send love and support :icontikes-tastic:'s way. I know I will be...

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involving my mother in law (:icontikes-tastic:'s mom)

so, since my last journal on the subject, things have been a bit of a roller coaster......

she's show signs of improvement, then her heart would spasm and she was put in a coma (intentionally), then she'd recover a bit, they'd bring her out and she would look OK... even recognizing people and communicating (the best way she could, with all the junk they put down her throat)

but then one side of her heart stopped working and they had to try and get it to work.... and now BOTH sides aren't working....

she's on life support now, and they have ONE more thing they're going to try..... but if THAT fails............. then the family has an important decision to make....

because of this, we'll be headed back to ohio within the week (hoping to leave wednesday, but might leave on thursday)
we'll be gone for a while.... a week, maybe more....

this means that, while I WILL have some means to draw (I will have my art tablet, and I may bring my copics) that I won't be able to stream....so... if you want a commission (or already have one that you're waiting on) there may be a bit of a wait.

sorry this is kinda long....

THE TL;DR of this journal is:

there is a family emergency, and tikes and I need to go to ohio for a while, we leave either wed. or thurs. and will be gone a week, maybe 2. so art will be either slow, or put on hold.

PLEASE! send hope, love, warm wished and ESPECIALLY prayers for our family during this difficult time...

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So :icontikes-tastic:'s mom had an infection in her chest, and after all the tests they figured out that she¡ll need open heart surgery to fix it

so this means we need to go be there for her....

but we can't afford a 700 dollar plane ticket

and the surgery will probably be either friday, or saturday, so we can't work up the money that fast.....

SOOOOOOOOOO we're driving nonstop from texas, to ohio...... oh boy....

we SHOULD be back sunday, and I can try to stream... but I'm betting I'll just wanna pass out by that time... so if you don't hear from me, you know why.....


So we made it there and back safe (it was like, an 18-19 hour drive non-stop, and I drove a good 13-14 hours of it, both ways)

We would have liked to stay longer (since they had to wait to do the surgery til this morning... but we used up all our PPTO (personal paid time off) and had to dip into our vacation time....

As of right now she’s in surgery... I won’t go into A LOT of detail.... but they found an infection in a valve they put in her heart, and have to take it out, clean out the infection, and then replace the valve... made all the more risky since this is apparently her THIRD heart surgery... the doc didn’t sugar coat anything, and told us how hard this was going to be....

Tikes and I are waiting by the phone to hear back any word on it

good vibes, warm wishes, and ESPECIALLY prayers are all still welcome for tikes' mom and family

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1 min read
I'm back from TFF (texas furry fiesta) 

"tatta, you didn't tell us you were going!"

yeah, I know... I had a journal typed out, but it just never got sent.... then I was busy at the con doing art....

"does that mean you're not open for commissions?"

sadly, yeah... I have a bit of a backlog.... but I'll be working hard this spweek to try and get them done! (Most are just custom buttons anyway’

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sooooooooo long time no see? heh by Tatta-doodles, journal

gonna start trying to post here again by Tatta-doodles, journal

IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!!! by Tatta-doodles, journal

PLEASE READ!!!! going to try and be more active!! by Tatta-doodles, journal

well.... she's gone... by Tatta-doodles, journal