
77 deviations

3 deviations

4 deviations

7 deviations
47 deviations

Graphic Stories
7 deviations
Unlikely Newcomer
Dear Dr. Feeder, I would like to ask for some insight from somebody more experienced than I... Unlikely newcomer to the feeder/gainer world. 24yrs, 5'6", 125lbs, good shape. Boyfriend explained not so recently that he has a feeder fetish....his has been really quite fun for me, considering I don't want to put on a lot of weight and am not the stereotypical gainer. At all. Horribly good metabolism. I get to eat whatever I like, without feeling guilty, he buys all the food and enjoys doing this, I don't have to worry about having a food baby (things most women worry about!) if I put on a couple of pounds it's met with appreciation....and you learn to appreciate parts of your body you didn't really consider before. It's an eye opener. And it is good fun. However. Unlike bdsm where the majority of the fetish is confined to playtime, feederism incorporated into a relationship strikes me as a lifestyle choice, potentially a damaging one, unless with clear boundaries
Letters from the Old Advice Column
3 deviations
1 deviation