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Beelitz Sanatorium

"Built around 1900 and located west of Berlin, Beelitz Heilstätten (Beelitz sanatorium) was a medical facility designed to fight the tuberculosis desease which had caused an alarming mortal rate mostly in the lower classes of Germany at the end of 19th century. In its zenith the sanatorium accomodated up to 1200 patients in about 60 buildings.
After WWII, the sanatorium, because of its location in what was then “East Germany,” was used by the Soviet Army and became the largest and best equipped military hospital outside the Soviet Union. The whole complex is spread over a large area of about 200 hectares (2 million square meters) in pine forests."
text-origin: [link]
...and now
"After German reunification the Red Army left 1994 and gave up the
facilities. Since then, most of the buildings are desolate."
text-origin: [link]


HDR from 3 photos
Shutter Speed: 3sec, 10sec, 30sec
Iso: 100
Focal Length: 39mm
F Number: 16
Model: Canon 400D

© Drezdany
All rights reserved. My images may not be reproduced or used in any form without my written permission.
Image size
556x864px 546.61 KB
© 2009 - 2024 Drezdany
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Seeker-Saphire's avatar
Hey, I was wondering if you would allow me to use this as an album artwork (none released) for a university project I am doing? Its a lot like what Ive ben looking for. I would credit you of course, if not I understand! :)