Largest Nosering EverDrewGreen on DeviantArt

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Largest Nosering Ever



Hey folks!

Sandra Bullock just won her an Oscar at this very moment! I still need to watch 'The Blind Side.'

Anyway, I've been working on this image since last night and most of the day, in preparation for something to do while watching the Acadamy Awards, as I do every year. This is a simple image. It doesn't have a concept, it's just a portrait of a guy. A fairly typical design, by my standards, but realize I went into it wanting to work on something very simple and without too much thought.

That said, I'm happy with it. It's not perfect, it even has some glaring issues, but it's nice. And I sought to do something a little more complex with the shading (not relying at all on any gradients, only using blur once for the blush on his face - everything else is a shape made of a solid color). I have become a little too comfortable with my methods, so in that sense, I did want to challenge myself a bit.

When I finished the sketch, I noticed that it resembles an art acquaintance of mine, the name of whom I will not mention in case I'm just being weird. The alternate title for this image would have been something simple, like "The Comic Geek," for that reason, but just look at that enormous nose ring!

I should mention, I am aware that I have more important images to work on (commissions and my comic, for instance), but I felt an art block encroaching last night when I attempted to draw my very own Yoki Safari, only to be disappointed with the results. So I drew whatever came out of my left hand, I suppose.

Anyway, enjoy!

PS: 'The Hurt Locker' just won Best Picture of 2010. Guess I'm required to watch it, now. ;D

Adobe Illustrator CS, more hours than I care to admit.

This image was created by and is (c) Andrew "Drew" Green, and is not for use in any way, shape, or form without my permission first.
Image size
800x900px 348.49 KB
© 2010 - 2025 DrewGreen
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dartemore's avatar
How did you do that shading on his neck??