Drew Edward Johnson started drawing comic books in 1995 with Dark Horse Comics'/Lucasfilm's STAR WARS X-WING: ROGUE SQUADRON.
His work has since been published by DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Archie/ Dark Circle Comics, IDW, Top Cow, DDP, Wildstorm, BOOM! Studios, Disney Publishing, and Sports Illustrated. Past commercial clients have included Hasbro Toys and Walt Disney Studios.
Drew is probably best known for his work on DC Comics' WONDER WOMAN #195-210, #211, and #214. Other ongoing series work has included DC Comics' SUPERGIRL, Wildstorm's THE AUTHORITY, and most recently, Archie/ Dark Circle Comics' THE SHIELD. His creator-owned comic series, MIDNIGHT SOCIETY: THE BLACK LAKE was published in 2015 by Dark Horse Comics, and may be purchased at Amazon.com at:
www.amazon.com/Midnight-Societ… Over the course of his career, Johnson has been a member of Macon, Georgia's Jolly Roger Studio, Macon, Georgia's Studio Phoenix, which he co-founded with Ray Snyder and Dan Jolley, and Portland, Oregon's Mercury Studio, which is now known as Periscope Studio. Drew is currently a member of Garage Art Studios in North Hollywood, CA.
These days, Drew lives in Burbank, CA with his wife, Animator/Director Karen Carnegie Johnson, their children Cole and Quinn and a really dumb cat named Lucy.
Current Residence: Burbank, CA
Favourite genre of music: I'm trapped in the late '80's mostly, but I love jazz too.
Favourite photographer: Viva Van Story
Favourite style of art: Clean Illustration
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: My phone, I guess
Shell of choice:
Wallpaper of choice:
Skin of choice: That is such a weird question.
Favourite cartoon character: Maggie Simpson
Personal Quote: "I'm not impressed." ---Cole Johnson, 4 years old.