DreamyArtCosplay on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamyartcosplay/art/Nightmare-Rainbow-Dash-New-sample-478901038DreamyArtCosplay

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Nightmare Rainbow Dash - New sample



Not much new to this design, except the eyes and the blue hue of the fur.
Image size
2000x1600px 977.62 KB
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Nightmare rarity: so my cute new pet how did you like the process of your..... transformation?💗

Rainbow dash (with hazey half open eyes and an uncharacteristically submissive tone in her voice.) Sooooooo good! It feeeels so good!💗

Nightmare rarity: well its about to feel so much better! Mwahh💗 (Gives rainbow dash a long passionate french kiss.) 

5 minutes of hot lesbian pony action (and rainbow dash gradually becoming more like the image above.) later

Nightmare rainbow dash: aaaaaaahhhhhn!💖💖

Nightmare rarity: now then darling! If you swear your eternal loyalty to me (whispers into dashies ear.) How does that sound?

Nightmare rainbow dash: yes! I swear my eternal loyalty to you!

Nightmare rarity: good. Now then follow me into my bed and we can..... Play together.