ZBrush - Week 4 - Night Elf Druid - Primary ViewsDreamspirit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamspirit/art/ZBrush-Week-4-Night-Elf-Druid-Primary-Views-353062384Dreamspirit

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ZBrush - Week 4 - Night Elf Druid - Primary Views



"The Flag Runner"
Digital Sculpture Completed on February 7, 2013

This is my sixth model in ZBrush.

I had more time this week than is usual to work on my ZBrush homework (mostly because I was incredibly ill for days straight), and the resulting sculpture honestly makes me nearly as pleased as the Deathwing sculpture (also fan art) I did some years ago.

I've been really sick, but at least during my periods of semi-consciousness I managed to battle my way through trying to make this new gal dynamic. For those that are unfamiliar with the creature: in Warcraft, Night Elf Druids can shapeshift into elfy-looking cats. This particular one is running a flag from Warsong Gulch (a sort of "capture the flag"-style PvP Battleground).

The base of this sculpture is the veteran lioness from last week, but I made a TON of significant modifications to her, and attempted to pose her and add props, fabric, jewelry, a full set of teeth: you name it.

The sculpt is also less detailed than last week's veteran lioness by a significant margin. I learned last week that I went overboard with that, and the resulting overkill of detail worked against me for things like posing.

Honestly, I like this new sculpture enough that I'd consider trying to get a 3D print of it.

I hope you guys like it. I put a lot of love into her and I'm really pleased by the result (even if it went a bit beyond the actual assignment >_>).

For views of other angles, please look here:

Personal Fan Art.

Click twice on the image above for a more detailed view.

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1874x1272px 181.18 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Dreamspirit
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Reathionnightstar's avatar
wish World of Warcraft graphic look this nice!