ZBrush Dinosaur SketchDreamspirit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamspirit/art/ZBrush-Dinosaur-Sketch-348449237Dreamspirit

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ZBrush Dinosaur Sketch



Digital Sketch Completed on January 14, 2013

So I just recently had my first class from Gnomon dealing with ZBrush, and was able to pick it up and open it for the first time. I'm completely and utterly new to the program, so it feels like trying to sculpt with boxing gloves, but I'm sure things will become a bit more natural over time. In the meantime, I'm just trying to do some of these "sketches" so that I can start to learn the tools and interface.

I don't think this fella is anything special, but I think he's half-decent for a first attempt with a new piece of software. :)

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Image size
1202x632px 98.89 KB
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crocodiledreams's avatar
One day you shall be doing crazy things with it!