The Lightbearer - FinalDreamspirit on DeviantArt

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Dreamspirit's avatar

The Lightbearer - Final



Completed on July 7th, 2012

A small ACEO-sized (2.5 x 3.5 inches) gift for the late :iconautumn-rains: and her husband.

Alas, the scan of this piece truly does not do this piece justice, especially since there are a lot of iridescent inks mixed in there that make parts of it truly shimmer.

We all have people that touch our lives and leave a lasting impression, and Caroline was certainly one of those people for me. She was dear friend and inspiration to me, and was actually the first person I told about the surreal hummingbird experience I had shortly before my maternal grandmother's passing ( story related here: ).

When I found out Caroline's health had started to fail her at last, I began work on this piece, but only completed it after her passing. As such, it's been a strangely haunting sort of mourning and art therapy for me.

Fly free with your sister, Caroline. And thank you, for everything.

Graphite, brown Copic Multiliner, watercolor, gouache, and acrylic ink on watercolor paper.

Personal Art.

Sketch Here:

Linework Here:

First Paint Here:

Other Hummingbird Pieces:

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Image size
693x493px 332.07 KB
© 2012 - 2025 Dreamspirit
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LigerMoth06's avatar
Oh wow this is amazing!