Zootopia and the Scarlet Pimperneldreamholde on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreamholde/art/Zootopia-and-the-Scarlet-Pimpernel-595103190dreamholde

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dreamholde's avatar

Zootopia and the Scarlet Pimpernel



Because they didn't just go from spears to pawPads, did they? Perhaps some time in Zootopia's history, a daring undercover operative had to rescue a bunch of helpless animals from a carnivorous regime. Presenting Nick as Sir Percy Blakeney and Judy as Marguerite St Just! Now I want to hear Idris Elba sing Falcon in the Dive. 
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MercMarten's avatar
Sink me!  I've got a scene in my fanfic where Nick reads the story to the Hopps Children