Christmas Maxie and AngelicaDreamcastSonic1998YT on DeviantArt

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Christmas Maxie and Angelica

Character  Maxie the FoxCharacter  Angelica the HedgehogLocation  Cool Edge


Requested by MaxietheFox2005 he wanted me to draw his OCs in Christmas outfits and lit was of course too easy piece of cake! I wanted to draw it in SA style as always because that's my favorite art style.  I digitalized these two OCs today I added shading for them to represent the Adventure art style and Battle also from now on I'm only putting digital drawings in scraps you have my permission whether you credit me or not. This is a very special one I liked how it turned out I did pretty well with it!  Anyway, fav and comment you can redraw it or do whatever you want with it any request you want me to draw just ask me in my profile hope you enjoy it! Hope we have a great Christmas!
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MaxietheFox2005's avatar

Angelica dressed like Amy Rose.