Hi, my name is Lothar Adamczyk and I work as a serious/professional photographer.
I live in good old germany and I am 21 years old.
Photography is my life!
I hope you like my pictures here on deviantart.com
I work with Canon and I think that will never change.
I love to work with Prime Lenses and Availible Light.
I own a Medium Format 6x6 inch Rolleiflex 3.5 Planar
and I love her resolution! I use Fujifilm Provia 100F
© L O T H A R . A D A M C Z Y K . P H O T O G R A P H Y
you are not authorized to use any of my pictures for any kind
of reproduction unless you have my written permission!
Follow me on Facebook!
Current Residence: Germany, Baden-Württemberg
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Metal, Alternative
Favourite photographer: Karl Taylor (UK), Jaime Ibarra
Favourite style of art: Photography
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate
MP3 player of choice: IPhone 4