Witcher 3 Mock Creature Design ConceptDreadJim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreadjim/art/Witcher-3-Mock-Creature-Design-Concept-531512442DreadJim

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Witcher 3 Mock Creature Design Concept



HArpy Queen imaginary creature design for my classes in Singapore.
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This is not a fanart because it is not based off any designs in the game, but from what I read and imagine. It is a designing and production process workflow for my students to learn and think about, when they work for games companies.

disclaimer: Witcher 3 property is owned by Cd Projekt Red. The artworks, imaginary backstory is written by me though.
Image size
4000x2250px 867.52 KB
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LerieElle's avatar

She is beautiful!!:love: