Raven GuardDreadJim on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dreadjim/art/Raven-Guard-928780674DreadJim

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Raven Guard



Leading the Ravens legacy and their ip, the next in line to be introduced are the Raven Guards, renowned for their dark ratalu armor made from discborne beasts, the Raven guards have mostly female soldiers and a handful of male ones called Raven Brutes. The Raven guards have a black raven each, bond to them as a companion and prestige, and they developed an uncanny ability to support each other not only in battle but- in good or bad times come as one.
The Raven guard, while not as disciplined as the horde of the Western army, have unique and individual roots and backgrounds, part of them from the syndicate and pirate civilisations, renowned for their ruthless efficiency as well as cold exteriors. They bond strongly within the raven code of honor, and their allegiances cannot be bought easily like mercenaries of the East.
As the intent of this illustration shows- the Ravens do not walk in light or dark, they are a grey morality, which reflects reality and the balance of life, as such, they are looked down upon by the self righteous west armies and shunned by the outright dark brotherhoods of evil ~
"We walk not in darkness, nor shall we flow by the bright light, for to indulge in either, is to lose your true selves"
Code of Raven

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