Irezumi GhostDreadJim on DeviantArt

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Irezumi Ghost



Irezumi 鬼!
is a second version of my idea, where they usually fight with Japanese Demon Oni masks that are semi-tech, cyberpunk, and these masks augment their senses as well as create a sort of hive mind connectivity as they rage on the world and their enemies.

The Irezumi is a group of (mostly) women warriors, ousted, outlawed by unfair laws and society they live in- coming to together to form a sisterhood, reflecting part of our world's current struggles and voices. The film idea follows the lead Mitako, daughter of slain yakuza boss, who had to brave the storms faced by women and even more. The film showcase the courage and follows a revenge plot, then expands into a surprise at the end. It is joined by Saiko the Fierce, Mika the silent, Akari and Sakura the Banzai Sisters (providing comic relief) in this blood soaked, M18 Thriller that spans 2 hours 15 minutes.
Expect lots of swordplay, old japanese reference culture homage, tribute to gangster films of the 1980s and just an awesome time with stylistic direction from JL X Co.
"They say blood flows thicker than water, but in Irezumi, our tattoos bond us beyond death!" Mitako Nobunaga
while it may appear controversial, the shocking image is meant to showcase these women extreme bravery in bearing themselves authentic, strong and not fearing who and what they are- displaying their tattoos and heritage in a daring view.

Image size
5895x3013px 1.96 MB
© 2022 - 2024 DreadJim
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WhIppIng-b0y's avatar

I know they're masks, but there's something about the contrast between the beauty of the bodies and the gruesomeness of their faces that's just aesthetically appealing.